mindmup / bootstrap-wysiwyg

Tiny bootstrap-compatible WISWYG rich text editor
MIT License
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Upload images use => data:image/png;base64 ?? #156

Open maxhanzhan opened 10 years ago

maxhanzhan commented 10 years ago

When I upload a picture.I look at the source data.Found picture is transform to such as "<img src="" . I know this is default method to proce pictures.Can you offer another way?Such as upload pictures by JQuery-upload and then return the result ,some as {"code":code,"src":"http://myhostname.com/pic/aaa.jpg"} ???

Thanks Very Much! With my Poor English.

msslava commented 10 years ago


steveathon commented 9 years ago

You can probably intercept the input, what would be better to support this is the ability to provide 'plugin functions', which isn't too hard to do.

Would anyone else find plugins useful?

chip-and-dail commented 9 years ago


gamunax commented 7 years ago

Solution: http://dwij.co.in/text-editor-with-ajax-image-uploader/ git: https://github.com/gdbhosale/WysiwygImageUpload
