mindriven / TeamCity-OpenCoverRunner

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Supports TC 8.1.x? #5

Closed fjakop closed 9 years ago

fjakop commented 9 years ago

I just installed the plugin on TC 8.1.5 without complaints from TC server. I see the plugin as external plugin in the plugins list, but there's no choice for OpenCover-Runner, neither in build-step types nor in .NET Coverage Tool combobox in NUnit-runner. How ist this plugin activated and used?

mindriven commented 9 years ago

Hi. Thanks for using my plugin. It should appear as a build step type, requires no additional activation, should just work after putting it into TC plugins dir and restarting TC. Anything suspicious in TC logs? I developed it using different version of TC jars, from what I remember it was 8.0. Maybe problem lies there, but if that is the case there should be something in logs.

fjakop commented 9 years ago

I found the error: The plugin is compiled with Java 7, our TC starts with Java 6 (which is still well supported by TC). I will try to migrate my TC to Java 7/8 and then try again.

mindriven commented 9 years ago

OK, so I will close the issue. If you will find it necessary, please reopen it. Good luck with update!

fjakop commented 9 years ago

So me again: Update was successful, the build runner is shown in the UI. Now it asks for configuration "Test runner - Runner executable". Is there some documentation about this? My tests are already run in the build step before by build runner "NUnit". How I get this thing configured? BTW, I'm Java programmer so I only scratch the surface of C# build process.

mindriven commented 9 years ago

Hello again. Does this help: https://github.com/mindriven/TeamCity-OpenCoverRunner/blob/master/Documentation/nUnitConfig.png ? Can you skip your tests being run as they are now? Because otherwise you will run them second time with this plugin (longer build). Anyhow, try using configuration from the picture as a guidance and please let me know how did it went.

fjakop commented 9 years ago


Well, this helps me for understanding the plugin's functionality. I've configured it alike, but TC tells me all my agents are incompatible because of OpenCover-Runner. Are there other prerequisites to the agents besides of .NET installed?

fjakop commented 9 years ago

Ok, found the problem. There's an exception while loading the Spring Application Context of the runner on the agents, I will investigate further.