mindsensors / EVShield

EVShield Arduino library
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Several motor status flags not implemented #46

Open AdmDeckerGH opened 4 years ago

AdmDeckerGH commented 4 years ago

I'm missing some of the defined motor status flags (defined in evshield.h). Actually there is no way to detect stall or overload. Why is in evshield.cpp SH_MOTOR_STALL commented? Also the following flags aren't implemented? SH_STATUS_RAMP SH_STATUS_MOVING SH_STATUS_BREAK SH_STATUS_OVERLOAD

Thanks in advance.

AdmDeckerGH commented 4 years ago

Hi @FloodJ -- Do you have any suggestions on this ? Thanks.

FloodJ commented 4 years ago

The SH_MOTOR_STALL register exists, but I don't know if it has been implemented in the EVShield firmware. You could either call Mindsensors or test it by writing a function to check the state of the register. I probably won't have time to test for about a week at this stage.