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Urgent: Error message when I try to implement FastRcnn using both mindspore 1.3 and 1.5 #4

Open yaman-hub opened 2 years ago

yaman-hub commented 2 years ago

I am using VOC dataset to train Fast-RCNN model using Mindspore, refering to the offciel link: both_Errors.docx


When I try to run the train.py file using Mindspore 1.3 Iget the follwing error:

RuntimeError: mindspore\ccsrc\backend\kernel_compiler\cpu\cpu_kernel_factory.cc:157 GetSupportedKernelAttrList] Not registered CPU kernel: op[CheckValid]!
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
[ERROR] KERNEL(6860,41095,?):2021-9-28 14:20:41 [mindspore\ccsrc\backend\kernel_compiler\cpu\cpu_kernel_factory.cc:157] GetSupportedKernelAttrList] Not registered CPU kernel: op[CheckValid]!

I got an Advice from the community to use Mindspore 1.5, and I did but this time I got a very complicated error which I think because I am using FastRcnn for the version 1.3 and I could not find the model in version 1.5.

Following is a snapshot of the error I got when I use Mindspore 1.5:

[WARNING] OPTIMIZER(20896,1,?):2021-9-28 14:43:54 [mindspore\ccsrc\frontend\optimizer\ad\kprim.cc:287] GetBprop] Fail to find bprop function for BoundingBoxEncode. fn: None

TypeError: mindspore\ccsrc\runtime\device\cpu\kernel_select_cpu.cc:219 KernelNotSupportException] Operator[StridedSlice]  input(kNumberTypeUInt8) output(kNumberTypeUInt8) is not support. This error means the current input type is not supported, please refer to the MindSpore doc for supported types.

[WARNING] PIPELINE(20896,1,?):2021-9-28 14:44:6 [mindspore\ccsrc\pipeline\jit\init.cc:310] operator()] Start releasing dataset handles...
[WARNING] PIPELINE(20896,1,?):2021-9-28 14:44:6 [mindspore\ccsrc\pipeline\jit\init.cc:313] operator()] End release dataset handles.

knowing that my os is windows 10, and I am using CPU as soon as it's the only device compatible with mindpore when it comes to windows. I attached the full traceback for both errors as doc files.

please provide me with solution and let me know the reason behins this errors, is it a hardware problem?