mindspore-ai / mindspore

MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.
Apache License 2.0
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mindspore框架同步问题 #278

Open cqulilujia opened 2 months ago

cqulilujia commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug/ 问题描述 (Mandatory / 必填) 跑模型推理时,nn.Dense层会卡住,若在Dense层之前打印tensor信息或断点调试,可正常继续运行;设置mindspore.set_context(pynative_synchronize=True)也可正常继续运行 image

To Reproduce / 重现步骤 (Mandatory / 必填) Steps to reproduce the behavior: 开发过程中发现,非必现

Screenshots/ 日志 / 截图 (Mandatory / 必填) If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Ash-Lee233 commented 1 month ago
