mindwaveventures / good-thinking

Good Thinking
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E24 - Bulleted list is bolded #768

Closed ellemindwave closed 6 years ago

ellemindwave commented 6 years ago

[Does he/Do you] have periods {012-121yof a week or more} when [he has/you have] any of the following? (Must be markedly different from [his/your] behaviour during periods before and after): {lbextreme hyperactivity or destructive rages| significantly reduced need for sleep (may get only a couple of hours a night) or a sense of feeling wired| easily distracted | more talkative than usual {004-008yor overly silly or elated behaviour}| extreme sense of wellbeing and self confidence for example some people may believe they have a special relationship with God or celebrities| inappropriate behaviour e.g. wearing unusual clothing or taking clothes off in public| {003-121yparticipate in risky behaviour or activities, such as trying to jump out of a moving car}{012-121y, excessive gambling or shopping}| {009-121yinappropriate sexual behaviour e.g. using explicit sexual language or talking or thinking excessively about sex}}

screen shot 2017-11-08 at 12 36 09

katbow commented 6 years ago

@ellemindwave how is this meant to look? Is it normal text?

ellemindwave commented 6 years ago

@katbow I think so, but I'm just double-checking for you! Will update asap

katbow commented 6 years ago

@ellemindwave FYI on this, I added the css from #767

.e24subtext {
  font-size: 12px !important;
  font-style: italic;

which makes the bulleted list look like this, as it is within a <span> with that class.


I'm not sure if you would like to pass this along to see if that's the desired result!

ellemindwave commented 6 years ago

@katbow yes, they have just responded saying that small and italic is the desired effect! Thanks