minecraft-linux / mcpelauncher-manifest

The main repository for the Linux and Mac OS Bedrock edition Minecraft launcher.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crashes when a friend is joining or when joining a friend. #832

Open Progamer1308439 opened 1 year ago

Progamer1308439 commented 1 year ago

I tried to join my friend's world and the game crashed with this game log:

14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Version: client 6228d9f / manifest 3ea72d9 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] CPU: GenuineIntel VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] CPU supports SSSE3: YES 14:34:26 Trace [Launcher] Loading hybris libraries 14:34:26 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe to /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 14:34:26 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/proc/1493/cmdline to /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 14:34:26 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data/Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/MacOS/./mcpelauncher-client to /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 14:34:26 Trace [REDIRECT] /data/data to /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/ 14:34:26 Trace [REDIRECT] . to /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/versions/ 14:34:26 Trace [LinkerUtils] Loaded OS library libm.dylib 14:34:26 Trace [LinkerUtils] Loaded OS library libz.dylib 14:34:26 Trace [LinkerUtils] Loaded OS library /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/mcpelauncher/lib/native/x86_64/libfmod.dylib 14:34:26 Trace [Launcher] Loading Minecraft library 14:34:26 Error [MinecraftUtils] Failed to load Minecraft: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "glBindRenderbuffer" referenced by "/Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/versions/"... 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings 14:34:26 Trace [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings: /Applications/Minecraft Bedrock Launcher.app/Contents/Resources/mcpelauncher/gamecontrollerdb.txt 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Creating window Found hook: _ZN11AppPlatform16showMousePointerEv @ 0x1011bf2b0 Found hook: _ZN11AppPlatform16hideMousePointerEv @ 0x1011bf290 Found hook: _ZN11AppPlatform17setFullscreenModeE14FullscreenMode @ 0x1011bf2d0 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Loaded Minecraft library 14:34:26 Debug [Launcher] Minecraft is at offset 0x116380000 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Game version: 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Applying patches 14:34:26 Debug [CorePatches] Failed to patch, vtable _ZTV21AppPlatform_android23 not found 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Initializing JNI 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_MainActivity_nativeRegisterThis 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_MainActivity_nativeInitializeWithApplicationContext 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_MainActivity_nativeUnregisterThis 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_MainActivity_nativeinitializeLibHttpClient 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_microsoft_xal_browser_WebView_urlOperationSucceeded 14:34:26 Error [JniSupport] Missing native symbol: Java_com_mojang_minecraftpe_PlayIntegrity_nativePlayIntegrityComplete 14:34:26 Info [Launcher] Executing main thread 14:34:26 Trace [Minecraft] Entering JNI_OnLoad 0x30796b000 14:34:26 Trace [Minecraft] JNI_OnLoad completed 14:34:26 Trace [JniSupport] Invoking nativeRegisterThis 14:34:26 Trace [JniSupport] Invoking ANativeActivity_onCreate 14:34:26 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:26 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:26 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:26 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:26 Info [Minecraft] android_main starting. internalDataPath is '/internal', externalDataPath is '/external' 14:34:26 Trace [JniSupport] Invoking start activity callbacks 14:34:26 Error [MCPE] *** setCachedDeviceId(963bf4f2-9807-41e1-8118-5765aa4e9036) 14:34:26 Info [Bedrock] configureBreakpad with directory: /crash, sessionid is: 7dbfd2a5-27df-4f21-953f-333b3ca597b2 14:34:26 Info [Bedrock] configureBreakpad called, directory is: /crash, sessionid is: 7dbfd2a5-27df-4f21-953f-333b3ca597b2 14:34:26 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - AppPlatform_android::setStorageDirectory - using External dir (NEW) - CurrentFileStoragePath is now '/Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/' 14:34:27 Warn [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - [Graphics] The graphics context was gained 14:34:27 Warn [Minecraft] MinecraftGame::init && MinecraftGame::setSize! 14:34:27 Warn [FakeEGL] eglQueryString 308d 14:34:27 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:27 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:29 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:29 Debug [HttpCallStaticGlue] Successfully registerered HttpCall methods 14:34:29 Debug [XboxLiveAppConfig] Successfully registerered XboxLiveAppConfig methods 14:34:29 Debug [XSAPI.Android] Successfully registerered HttpCall tcuiMethods 14:34:33 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - Time played notifier not required for 'en' 14:34:39 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:34:57 Warn [Main] Android stub called 14:35:05 Info [Minecraft] NO LOG FILE! - opening /Users/danilbillison/Library/Application Support/mcpelauncher/minecraftpe/blob_cache Signal 11 received

Process exited with unexpected exit code: 11

The same thing happens when my friend tries to join me.

Hamborger4461 commented 1 year ago

Same issue here, i am on M1 mac, and i have tested it on linux as well, same issue. this is a multi platform wide bug. Its pretty annoying too and i hope they fix it

GameParrot commented 1 year ago

does minecraft-linux/libc-shim#24 fix it?

Hamborger4461 commented 1 year ago

i have no idea how to change things so i don't know, i only just wanted to help report it sorry, all i know is that the issue is existant. I hope it gets fixed soon

DavidYummy commented 4 months ago