mineek / sunst0rm

iOS Tether Downgrader
GNU General Public License v3.0
294 stars 45 forks source link

Dev #55

Closed sen0rxol0 closed 2 years ago

sen0rxol0 commented 2 years ago

added requirements.sh, tested on 10.15 improved script to install requirements fixed script arguments

mineek commented 2 years ago

woah, thank you so very much for your contributions, im sure this will help A LOT of people installing dependecies and when i finally merge replace main with dev i'll be sure to credit you for all your contributions! Thanks again ❤️

sen0rxol0 commented 2 years ago

you're welcome

sen0rxol0 commented 2 years ago

it happen i already have part of the bash script, i'm just improving yours with mine xD i still have more patches to commit, didn't do it all yet because i don't want to break it