minego / phnx

A Twitter client for webOS written in Mojo
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Prepare project macaw for a release in the app catalog #101

Open minego opened 11 years ago

minego commented 11 years ago

I'd like to release Project Macaw in the webOS app catalog so that it can reach a wider audience. Please add comments to this ticket with any issues that need to be resolved before it is ready for that.

My plan is to release it under my account, for free, with a name of just "Macaw".

I'm tempted to hide some features, like opening a search in a new card for the app catalog release, unless they can be cleaned up a bit before then.

There are a few instances of the old phnx icon that would need to be cleaned up as well.

DrOwl commented 11 years ago

I would love you to release it in the official apps catalog (Phnx and Project Macaw are the best WebOS twitter clinets =) Thank you so much for starting work on it.

Issues I have noted: the app hangs for a short time on load (maybe due to reload starting?)

Pull to refresh isn't quite there yet... Eg when I am scroling up through my timeline and get to the top / the latest tweet (there is no indication that you have reached the top) a reload is kicked off which again can freeze the app for a few seconds. I think you need to make it clearer that you are at the top or maybe have the pull be for a few seconds before a reload will start.

sometimes on startup no icons are displayed

add a prefrance to chose if nick and or full name is displayed

it might not mean much but this error is displayed in lumber jack when the app is started [2012-12-09 18:07:40](Project Macaw) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'observe' of null, file:///media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/net.minego.phnx/app/assistants/toasters/compose.js:596

minego commented 11 years ago

Great comments.

All of these fixes will be included in the upcoming 1.3 release.

We are working on a change to allow you to configure which items are included in the timeline. You can already toggle the avatar (that's was the hardest part). The plan is to allow you to toggle: avatar, username, fullname, time and the "via" string. I'm not sure when this change will be done though.

matchqq commented 11 years ago

Would love to see Project Macaw become more popular :)

The new black theme and being able to choose what items to display in a tweet is great. I would also really like to see a detail tweet in a non translucent background and timeline in the back dim, which will make looking at a detail tweet more focused and pleasant. Just like how phnx does it.

Can't really find any other complaints except for the cross icon on the top right corner of some settings on the phone version. For the phone version, these crosses are just unnecessary. But it's really a not a big deal.

matchqq commented 11 years ago

Oh I forgot this bug. If there are two or more picture links in a tweet, only one pic will be shown as inline picture or in a detail tweet.

ajguns commented 11 years ago

I think ProjectMacaw is ready to see an App Catalog release. But, if you want to improve a little more, add Facebook to the "Share" feature and other known networks (LinkedIn, Google+, etcetera.). For the rest, I think ProjectMacaw behaves a lot better than some paid apps. Regarding the name (just Macaw), what do you think of "Twittaw" like with a german-kindda-accent? Or PhnxMacaw? Oh, well, we want it on the Catalog regardless of the name, so we'll be expecting. Regards,