minerllabs / minerl

MineRL Competition for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning - Python Package
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I am trying to download the dataset and getting the following error #769

Open sramichetty20019 opened 2 months ago

sramichetty20019 commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone i am trying to download a dataset and I am getting the following error the command I ran is : python3 -m minerl.data.download "MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0"

Error : Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 7 54 19 PM

error : /Deep-reinforcement-learning-on-Minecraft$ python3 -m minerl.data.download "MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0" /home/srinija/anaconda3/envs/minerl/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'minerl.data.download' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'minerl.data')

How do I download the dataset associated with specific task I have minerl installed in conda environment

please provide some help on how to solve this issue

I did add the environment variable to my bashrc file as follows export MINERL_DATA_ROOT=/home/srinija/Deep-reinforcement-learning-on-Minecraft/data/rawdata and then did source ~/.bashrc

Miffyli commented 2 months ago

You can find direct download links here: https://github.com/minerllabs/minerl/issues/469#issuecomment-809178149

sramichetty20019 commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much , I got the datasets , but there is another problem I am facing though minerl is installed I am unable to use minerl.data ,I get Attributeerror as follows : prepare_dataset(args, actionspace) File "/home/srinija/Deep-reinforcement-learning-on-Minecraft/preprocess.py", line 89, in prepare_dataset data = minerl.data.make(args.env) ^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: module 'minerl' has no attribute 'data'

How do I solve this , Is it a problem from my side or is the attribute changed in actual source code

sramichetty20019 commented 2 months ago

I figured out that .data is available with older versions of minerl I tried to install the older version of minerl which is 0.3.7

I am getting the following error from the source code itself how do I solve them Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 12 54 03 PM

please let me know

Miffyli commented 2 months ago

Installing things from pypi (pip install...) does not work out of the box because of the changes to some of the dependencies. Try installing pip install gym==0.19 after installing MineRL (or alternatively check the requirements of the current version on dev branch, as 0.19 might not install and you may need something like 0.21).

sramichetty20019 commented 2 months ago

I tried both of them but got the following error , Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 2 04 13 PM It's the problem with gym it wouldn't get installed

Miffyli commented 1 month ago

Hmm looking current requirements.txt, gym==0.23.1 might work. Tbh I have not touched older versions of MineRL in a long time, so I can not guarantee that any of them install properly, apart from the one on github.