minernl / Miningcore.WebUI

WebUI made for https://github.com/minernl/miningcore
32 stars 80 forks source link

Connect link #16

Open Jyrkivi opened 2 months ago

Jyrkivi commented 2 months ago

Can someone help me with this? All other links works fine under ssl but when I click "Connect" link browser just flash correct page and then goes white page where is text "2024"?


{ "logging": { "level": "info", "enableConsoleLog": true, "enableConsoleColors": true, // Log file name (full log) - can be null in which case log events are written to console (stdout) "logFile": "core.log", // Log file name for API-requests - can be null in which case log events are written to either main logFile or console (stdout) "apiLogFile": "api.log", // Folder to store log file(s) "logBaseDirectory": "/var/logs/miningcore", // or c:\path\to\logs on Windows // If enabled, separate log file will be stored for each pool as .log // in the above specific folder. "perPoolLogFile": false }, "banning": { // "integrated" or "iptables" (linux only - not yet implemented) "manager": "Integrated", "banOnJunkReceive": true, "banOnInvalidShares": false }, "notifications": { "enabled": false, "email": { "host": "smtp.example.com", "port": 587, "user": "user", "password": "password", "fromAddress": "info@yourpool.org", "fromName": "pool support" }, "admin": { "enabled": false, "emailAddress": "user@example.com", "notifyBlockFound": true } }, // Where to persist shares and blocks to "persistence": { // Persist to postgresql database "postgres": { "host": "", "port": 5432, "user": "miningcore", "password": "atcg2hrq", "database": "miningcore" } }, // Generate payouts for recorded shares and blocks "paymentProcessing": { "enabled": true, // How often to process payouts, in milliseconds "interval": 600, // Path to a file used to backup shares under emergency conditions, such as // database outage "shareRecoveryFile": "recovered-shares.txt" }, // API Settings "api": { "enabled": true, // Binding address (Default: "listenAddress": "", // Binding port (Default: 4000) "port": 5000, // IP address whitelist for requests to Prometheus Metrics (default "metricsIpWhitelist": [], // Limit rate of requests to API on a per-IP basis "rateLimiting": { "disabled": false, // disable rate-limiting all-together, be careful // override default rate-limit rules, refer to https://github.com/stefanprodan/AspNetCoreRateLimit/wiki/IpRateLimitMiddleware#defining-rate-limit-rules "rules": [ { "Endpoint": "*", "Period": "1s", "Limit": 5 } ], // List of IP addresses excempt from rate-limiting (default: none) "ipWhitelist": [] } }, "pools": [ // Repeat the following section for multiple coins { // DON'T change the id after a production pool has begun collecting shares! "id": "[censored]", "enabled": true, "coin": "[censored]", // Address to where block rewards are given (pool wallet) "address": "[censored]", // Block rewards go to the configured pool wallet address to later be paid out // to miners, except for a percentage that can go to, for examples, // pool operator(s) as pool fees or or to donations address. Addresses or hashed // public keys can be used. Here is an example of rewards going to the main pool // "op" "rewardRecipients": [ { // Pool wallet "address": "[censored]", "percentage": 0.25 } ], // How often to poll RPC daemons for new blocks, in milliseconds "blockRefreshInterval": 400, // Some miner apps will consider the pool dead/offline if it doesn't receive // anything new jobs for around a minute, so every time we broadcast jobs, // set a timeout to rebroadcast in this many seconds unless we find a new job. // Set to zero to disable. (Default: 0) "jobRebroadcastTimeout": 10, // Remove workers that haven't been in contact for this many seconds. // Some attackers will create thousands of workers that use up all available // socket connections, usually the workers are zombies and don't submit shares // after connecting. This features detects those and disconnects them. "clientConnectionTimeout": 600, // If a worker is submitting a high threshold of invalid shares, we can // temporarily ban their IP to reduce system/network load. "banning": { "enabled": true, // How many seconds to ban worker for "time": 600, // What percent of invalid shares triggers ban "invalidPercent": 50, // Check invalid percent when this many shares have been submitted "checkThreshold": 50 }, // Each pool can have as many ports for your miners to connect to as you wish. // Each port can be configured to use its own pool difficulty and variable // difficulty settings. 'varDiff' is optional and will only be used for the ports // you configure it for. "ports": { // Binding port for your miners to connect to "3052": { // Binding address (Default: "listenAddress": "", // Pool difficulty "difficulty": 0.0001, // TLS/SSL configuration "tls": false, "tlsPfxFile": "/var/lib/certs/mycert.pfx", // Variable difficulty is a feature that will automatically adjust difficulty // for individual miners based on their hash rate in order to lower // networking overhead "varDiff": { // Minimum difficulty "minDiff": 0.00001, // Maximum difficulty. Network difficulty will be used if it is lower than // this. Set to null to disable. "maxDiff": null, // Try to get 1 share per this many seconds "targetTime": 15, // Check to see if we should retarget every this many seconds "retargetTime": 90, // Allow time to very this % from target without retargeting "variancePercent": 30, // Do not alter difficulty by more than this during a single retarget in // either direction "maxDelta": 500 } } }, // Recommended to have at least two daemon instances running in case one drops // out-of-sync or offline. For redundancy, all instances will be polled for // block/transaction updates and be used for submitting blocks. Creating a backup // daemon involves spawning a daemon using the "-datadir=/backup" argument which // creates a new daemon instance with it's own RPC config. For more info on this, // visit: https:// en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Data_directory and // https:// en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_bitcoind "daemons": [ { "host": "", "port": [censored], "user": "[censored]", "password": "[censored]", // Enable streaming Block Notifications via ZeroMQ messaging from Bitcoin // Family daemons. Using this is highly recommended. The value of this option // is a string that should match the value of the -zmqpubhashblock parameter // passed to the coin daemon. If you enable this, you should lower // 'blockRefreshInterval' to 1000 or 0 to disable polling entirely. // "zmqBlockNotifySocket": "tcp://", // Enable streaming Block Notifications via WebSocket messaging from Ethereum // family Parity daemons. Using this is highly recommended. The value of this // option is a string that should match the value of the --ws-port parameter // passed to the parity coin daemon. When using --ws-port, you should also // specify --ws-interface all and // --jsonrpc-apis "eth,net,web3,personal,parity,parity_pubsub,rpc" // If you enable this, you should lower 'blockRefreshInterval' to 1000 or 0 // to disable polling entirely. // "portWs": 18545, } ], // Generate payouts for recorded shares "paymentProcessing": { "enabled": true, // Minimum payment in pool-base-currency (ie. Bitcoin, NOT Satoshis) "minimumPayment": 1, "payoutScheme": "PPLNS", "payoutSchemeConfig": { "factor": 2.0 } } }, { // DON'T change the id after a production pool has begun collecting shares! "id": "[censored]", "enabled": true, "coin": "[censored[[SOLO]", // Address to where block rewards are given (pool wallet) "address": "F2pEky1bqeoGxHrUqaKQJfu1LpXgetx8uX", // Block rewards go to the configured pool wallet address to later be paid out // to miners, except for a percentage that can go to, for examples, // pool operator(s) as pool fees or or to donations address. Addresses or hashed // public keys can be used. Here is an example of rewards going to the main pool // "op" "rewardRecipients": [ { // Pool wallet "address": "[censored]", "percentage": [censored] } ], // How often to poll RPC daemons for new blocks, in milliseconds "blockRefreshInterval": 400, // Some miner apps will consider the pool dead/offline if it doesn't receive // anything new jobs for around a minute, so every time we broadcast jobs, // set a timeout to rebroadcast in this many seconds unless we find a new job. // Set to zero to disable. (Default: 0) "jobRebroadcastTimeout": 10, // Remove workers that haven't been in contact for this many seconds. // Some attackers will create thousands of workers that use up all available // socket connections, usually the workers are zombies and don't submit shares // after connecting. This features detects those and disconnects them. "clientConnectionTimeout": 600, // If a worker is submitting a high threshold of invalid shares, we can // temporarily ban their IP to reduce system/network load. "banning": { "enabled": true, // How many seconds to ban worker for "time": 600, // What percent of invalid shares triggers ban "invalidPercent": 50, // Check invalid percent when this many shares have been submitted "checkThreshold": 50 }, // Each pool can have as many ports for your miners to connect to as you wish. // Each port can be configured to use its own pool difficulty and variable // difficulty settings. 'varDiff' is optional and will only be used for the ports // you configure it for. "ports": { // Binding port for your miners to connect to "4052": { // Binding address (Default: "listenAddress": "", // Pool difficulty "difficulty": 0.0001, // TLS/SSL configuration "tls": false, "tlsPfxFile": "/var/lib/certs/mycert.pfx", // Variable difficulty is a feature that will automatically adjust difficulty // for individual miners based on their hash rate in order to lower // networking overhead "varDiff": { // Minimum difficulty "minDiff": 0.0001, // Maximum difficulty. Network difficulty will be used if it is lower than // this. Set to null to disable. "maxDiff": null, // Try to get 1 share per this many seconds "targetTime": 15, // Check to see if we should retarget every this many seconds "retargetTime": 90, // Allow time to very this % from target without retargeting "variancePercent": 30, // Do not alter difficulty by more than this during a single retarget in // either direction "maxDelta": 500 } } }, // Recommended to have at least two daemon instances running in case one drops // out-of-sync or offline. For redundancy, all instances will be polled for // block/transaction updates and be used for submitting blocks. Creating a backup // daemon involves spawning a daemon using the "-datadir=/backup" argument which // creates a new daemon instance with it's own RPC config. For more info on this, // visit: https:// en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Data_directory and // https:// en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_bitcoind "daemons": [ { "host": "", "port": [censored], "user": "[censored]", "password": "[censored]", // Enable streaming Block Notifications via ZeroMQ messaging from Bitcoin // Family daemons. Using this is highly recommended. The value of this option // is a string that should match the value of the -zmqpubhashblock parameter // passed to the coin daemon. If you enable this, you should lower // 'blockRefreshInterval' to 1000 or 0 to disable polling entirely. // "zmqBlockNotifySocket": "tcp://", // Enable streaming Block Notifications via WebSocket messaging from Ethereum // family Parity daemons. Using this is highly recommended. The value of this // option is a string that should match the value of the --ws-port parameter // passed to the parity coin daemon. When using --ws-port, you should also // specify --ws-interface all and // --jsonrpc-apis "eth,net,web3,personal,parity,parity_pubsub,rpc" // If you enable this, you should lower 'blockRefreshInterval' to 1000 or 0 // to disable polling entirely. // "portWs": 18545, } ], // Generate payouts for recorded shares "paymentProcessing": { "enabled": true, // Minimum payment in pool-base-currency (ie. Bitcoin, NOT Satoshis) "minimumPayment": 1, "payoutScheme": "SOLO", "payoutSchemeConfig": { "factor": 2.0 } } } // This section ends here. Add , after } if this is not the last coin section ] }



// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Current running domain (or ip address) url will be read from the browser url bar. // You can check the result in you browser development view -> F12 -> Console // -->> !! no need to change anything below here !! <<-- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// read WebURL from current browser var WebURL = "https://[censored]"; // Website URL is: https://domain.com/ // WebURL correction if not ends with / if (WebURL.substring(WebURL.length-1) != "/") { WebURL = WebURL + "/"; console.log('Corrected WebURL, does not end with / -> New WebURL : ', WebURL); } var API = "https://[censored]:443/api/"; // API address is: https://domain.com/api/ // API correction if not ends with / if (API.substring(API.length-1) != "/") { API = API + "/"; console.log('Corrected API, does not end with / -> New API : ', API); } var stratumAddress = "[censored]"; // Stratum address is: domain.com

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // no need to change anything below here // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- console.log('MiningCore.WebUI : ', WebURL); // Returns website URL console.log('API address used : ', API); // Returns API URL console.log('Stratum address : ', "stratum+tcp://" + stratumAddress + ":"); // Returns Stratum URL console.log('Page Load : ', window.location.href); // Returns full URL

currentPage = "index"

// check browser compatibility var nua = navigator.userAgent; //var is_android = ((nua.indexOf('Mozilla/5.0') > -1 && nua.indexOf('Android ') > -1 && nua.indexOf('AppleWebKit') > -1) && !(nua.indexOf('Chrome') > -1)); var is_IE = ((nua.indexOf('Mozilla/5.0') > -1 && nua.indexOf('Trident') > -1) && !(nua.indexOf('Chrome') > -1)); if(is_IE) { console.log('Running in IE browser is not supported - ', nua); }

// Load INDEX Page content function loadIndex() { $("div[class^='page-").hide();

$(".page").hide(); //$(".page-header").show(); $(".page-wrapper").show(); $(".page-footer").show();

var hashList = window.location.hash.split(/[#/?=]/); //var fullHash = document.URL.substr(document.URL.indexOf('#')+1); //IE // example: #vtc/dashboard?address=VttsC2.....LXk9NJU currentPool = hashList[1]; currentPage = hashList[2]; currentAddress = hashList[3];

if (currentPool && !currentPage) { currentPage ="stats" } else if(!currentPool && !currentPage) { currentPage ="index"; } if (currentPool && currentPage) { loadNavigation(); $(".main-index").hide(); $(".main-pool").show(); $(".page-" + currentPage).show(); $(".main-sidebar").show(); } else { $(".main-index").show(); $(".main-pool").hide(); $(".page-index").show(); $(".main-sidebar").hide(); }

if (currentPool) { $("li[class^='nav-']").removeClass("active");

switch (currentPage) {
  case "stats":
    console.log('Loading stats page content');
  case "dashboard":
    console.log('Loading dashboard page content');
  case "miners":
    console.log('Loading miners page content');
  case "blocks":
    console.log('Loading blocks page content');
  case "payments":
    console.log('Loading payments page content');
  case "connect":
    console.log('Loading connect page content');
  case "faq":
    console.log('Loading faq page content');
  case "support":
    console.log('Loading support page content');
  // default if nothing above fits

} else { loadHomePage(); } scrollPageTop(); }

// Load HOME page content function loadHomePage() { console.log('Loading home page content'); return $.ajax(API + "pools") .done(function(data) { const poolCoinCardTemplate = $(".index-coin-card-template").html(); //const poolCoinTableTemplate = ""; //$(".index-coin-table-template").html();

  var poolCoinTableTemplate = "";

  $.each(data.pools, function(index, value) {

    var coinLogo = "<img class='coinimg' src='img/coin/icon/" + value.coin.type.toLowerCase() + ".png' />";
    var coinName = value.coin.name;
    if (typeof coinName === "undefined" || coinName === null) {coinName = value.coin.type;} 

    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<tr class='coin-table-row' href='#" + value.id + "'>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='coin'><a href='#" + value.id + "'<span>" + coinLogo + coinName + " (" + value.coin.type.toUpperCase() + ") </span></a></td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='algo'>" + value.coin.algorithm + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='miners'>" + value.poolStats.connectedMiners + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='pool-hash'>" + _formatter(value.poolStats.poolHashrate, 5, "H/s") + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='fee'>" + value.poolFeePercent + " %</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='net-hash'>" + _formatter(value.networkStats.networkHashrate, 5, "H/s") + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='net-diff'>" + _formatter(value.networkStats.networkDifficulty, 5, "") + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "<td class='card-btn col-hide'>Go Mine " + coinLogo + coinName + "</td>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "</tr>";

  //if (poolList.length > 0) {

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#pool-coins tr').click(function() {
      var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
      if(href) {
        window.location = href;

.fail(function() {
  var poolCoinTableTemplate = "";

  poolCoinTableTemplate += "<tr><td colspan='8'> ";
  poolCoinTableTemplate += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>"
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "  <h4><i class='fas fa-exclamation-triangle'></i> Warning!</h4>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "  <hr>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "  <p>The pool is currently down for maintenance.</p>";
    poolCoinTableTemplate += "  <p>Please try again later.</p>";
  poolCoinTableTemplate += "</div>"
  poolCoinTableTemplate += "</td></tr>";




// Load STATS page content function loadStatsPage() { //clearInterval(); setInterval( (function load() { loadStatsData(); return load; })(), 60000 ); setInterval( (function load() { loadStatsChart(); return load; })(), 600000 ); }

// Load DASHBOARD page content function loadDashboardPage() { function render() { //clearInterval(); setInterval( (function load() { loadDashboardData($("#walletAddress").val()); loadDashboardWorkerList($("#walletAddress").val()); loadDashboardChart($("#walletAddress").val()); return load; })(), 60000 ); } var walletQueryString = window.location.hash.split(/[#/?]/)[3]; if (walletQueryString) { var wallet = window.location.hash.split(/[#/?]/)[3].replace("address=", ""); if (wallet) { $(walletAddress).val(wallet); localStorage.setItem(currentPool + "-walletAddress", wallet); render(); } } if (localStorage[currentPool + "-walletAddress"]) { $("#walletAddress").val(localStorage[currentPool + "-walletAddress"]); } }

// Load MINERS page content function loadMinersPage() { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/miners?page=0&pagesize=20") .done(function(data) { var minerList = ""; if (data.length > 0) { $.each(data, function(index, value) { minerList += ""; //minerList += "" + value.miner + ""; minerList += '' + value.miner.substring(0, 12) + ' … ' + value.miner.substring(value.miner.length - 12) + ''; //minerList += '' + value.miner.substring(0, 12) + ' … ' + value.miner.substring(value.miner.length - 12) + ''; minerList += "" + _formatter(value.hashrate, 5, "H/s") + ""; minerList += "" + _formatter(value.sharesPerSecond, 5, "S/s") + ""; minerList += ""; }); } else { minerList += 'No miner connected'; } $("#minerList").html(minerList); }) .fail(function() { $.notify( { message: "Error: No response from API.
(loadMinersList)" }, { type: "danger", timer: 3000 } ); }); }

// Load BLOCKS page content function loadBlocksPage() { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/blocks?page=0&pageSize=100") .done(function(data) { var blockList = ""; if (data.length > 0) { $.each(data, function(index, value) { var createDate = convertLocalDateToUTCDate(new Date(value.created),false); var effort = Math.round(value.effort * 100); var effortClass = ""; if (effort < 30) { effortClass = "effort1"; } else if (effort < 80) { effortClass = "effort2"; } else if (effort < 110) { effortClass = "effort3"; } else { effortClass = "effort4"; }

      blockList += "<tr>";
      blockList += "<td>" + createDate + "</td>";
      blockList += "<td><a href='" + value.infoLink + "' target='_blank'>" + value.blockHeight + "</a></td>";
      if (typeof value.effort !== "undefined") {
        blockList += "<td class='" + effortClass + "'>" + effort + "%</td>";
      } else {
        blockList += "<td>n/a</td>";
      var status = value.status;
      blockList += "<td>" + status + "</td>";
      blockList += "<td>" + _formatter(value.reward, 5, "") + "</td>";
      blockList += "<td><div class='c100 small p" + Math.round(value.confirmationProgress * 100) + "'><span>" + Math.round(value.confirmationProgress * 100) + "%</span><div class='slice'><div class='bar'></div><div class='fill'></div></div></div></td>";
      blockList += "</tr>";
  } else {
    blockList += '<tr><td colspan="6">No blocks found yet</td></tr>';

.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadBlocksList)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


// Load PAYMENTS page content function loadPaymentsPage() { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/payments?page=0&pageSize=500") .done(function(data) { var paymentList = ""; if (data.length > 0) { $.each(data, function(index, value) { var createDate = convertLocalDateToUTCDate(new Date(value.created),false); paymentList += ''; paymentList += "" + createDate + ""; paymentList += '' + value.address.substring(0, 12) + ' … ' + value.address.substring(value.address.length - 12) + ''; paymentList += '' + _formatter(value.amount, 5, '') + ''; paymentList += '' + value.transactionConfirmationData.substring(0, 16) + ' … ' + value.transactionConfirmationData.substring(value.transactionConfirmationData.length - 16) + ' '; paymentList += ''; }); } else { paymentList += 'No payments found yet'; } $("#paymentList").html(paymentList); }) .fail(function() { $.notify( { message: "Error: No response from API.
(loadPaymentsList)" }, { type: "danger", timer: 3000 } ); }); }

// Load CONNECTION page content function loadConnectPage() { return $.ajax(API + "pools") .done(function(data) { var connectPoolConfig = ""; $.each(data.pools, function(index, value) { if (currentPool === value.id) {

        defaultPort = Object.keys(value.ports)[0];
        coinName = value.coin.name;
        coinType = value.coin.type.toLowerCase();
        algorithm = value.coin.algorithm;

        // Connect Pool config table
        connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Crypto Coin name</td><td>" + coinName + " (" + value.coin.type + ") </td></tr>";
        //connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Coin Family line </td><td>" + value.coin.family + "</td></tr>";
        connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Coin Algorithm</td><td>" + value.coin.algorithm + "</td></tr>";
        connectPoolConfig += '<tr><td>Pool Wallet</td><td><a href="' + value.addressInfoLink + '" target="_blank">' + value.address.substring(0, 12) + " &hellip; " + value.address.substring(value.address.length - 12) + "</a></td></tr>";
        connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Payout Scheme</td><td>" + value.paymentProcessing.payoutScheme + "</td></tr>";
        connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Minimum Payment</td><td>" + value.paymentProcessing.minimumPayment + " " + value.coin.type + "</td></tr>";
        if (typeof value.paymentProcessing.minimumPaymentToPaymentId !== "undefined") {
            connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Minimum Payout (to Exchange)</td><td>" + value.paymentProcessing.minimumPaymentToPaymentId + "</td></tr>";
        connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>Pool Fee</td><td>" + value.poolFeePercent + "%</td></tr>";
        $.each(value.ports, function(port, options) {
            connectPoolConfig += "<tr><td>stratum+tcp://" + coinType + "." + stratumAddress + ":" + port + "</td><td>";
            if (typeof options.varDiff !== "undefined" && options.varDiff != null) {
                connectPoolConfig += "Difficulty Variable / " + options.varDiff.minDiff + " &harr; ";
                if (typeof options.varDiff.maxDiff === "undefined" || options.varDiff.maxDiff == null) {
                    connectPoolConfig += "&infin; ";
                } else {
                    connectPoolConfig += options.varDiff.maxDiff;
            } else {
                connectPoolConfig += "Difficulty Static / " + options.difficulty ;
            connectPoolConfig += "</td></tr>";

  connectPoolConfig += "</tbody>";

  // Connect Miner config 
  $("#miner-config").load("poolconfig/" + coinType + ".html",
    function( response, status, xhr ) {
      if ( status == "error" ) {
            var config = $("#miner-config")
            .replace(/{{ stratumAddress }}/g, coinType + "." + stratumAddress + ":" + defaultPort)
            .replace(/{{ coinName }}/g, coinName)
            .replace(/{{ aglorithm }}/g, algorithm);
      } else {
        var config = $("#miner-config")
        .replace(/{{ stratumAddress }}/g, coinType + "." + stratumAddress + ":" + defaultPort)
        .replace(/{{ coinName }}/g, coinName)
        .replace(/{{ aglorithm }}/g, algorithm);
.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadConnectConfig)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


// Dashboard - load wallet stats function loadWallet() { console.log( 'Loading wallet address:',$("#walletAddress").val() ); if ($("#walletAddress").val().length > 0) { localStorage.setItem(currentPool + "-walletAddress", $("#walletAddress").val() ); } var coin = window.location.hash.split(/[#/?]/)[1]; var currentPage = window.location.hash.split(/[#/?]/)[2] || "stats"; window.location.href = "#" + currentPool + "/" + currentPage + "?address=" + $("#walletAddress").val(); }

// General formatter function function _formatter(value, decimal, unit) { if (value === 0) { return "0 " + unit; } else { var si = [ { value: 1, symbol: "" }, { value: 1e3, symbol: "k" }, { value: 1e6, symbol: "M" }, { value: 1e9, symbol: "G" }, { value: 1e12, symbol: "T" }, { value: 1e15, symbol: "P" }, { value: 1e18, symbol: "E" }, { value: 1e21, symbol: "Z" }, { value: 1e24, symbol: "Y" } ]; for (var i = si.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (value >= si[i].value) { break; } } return ((value / si[i].value).toFixed(decimal).replace(/.0+$|(.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/, "$1") + " " + si[i].symbol + unit); } }

// Time convert Local -> UTC function convertLocalDateToUTCDate(date, toUTC) { date = new Date(date); //Local time converted to UTC var localOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var localTime = date.getTime(); if (toUTC) { date = localTime + localOffset; } else { date = localTime - localOffset; } newDate = new Date(date); return newDate; }

// Time convert UTC -> Local function convertUTCDateToLocalDate(date) { var newDate = new Date(date.getTime()+date.getTimezoneOffset()601000); var localOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; var hours = date.getUTCHours(); newDate.setHours(hours - localOffset); return newDate; }

// Scroll to top off page function scrollPageTop() { document.body.scrollTop = 0; document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; var elmnt = document.getElementById("page-scroll-top"); elmnt.scrollIntoView(); }

// Check if file exits function doesFileExist(urlToFile) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('HEAD', urlToFile, false); xhr.send();

if (xhr.status == "404") {
    return false;
} else {
    return true;


// STATS page data function loadStatsData() { return $.ajax(API + "pools") .done(function(data) { $.each(data.pools, function(index, value) { if (currentPool === value.id) {

      $("#minimumPayment").text(value.paymentProcessing.minimumPayment + " " + value.coin.type);
      $("#poolFeePercent").text(value.poolFeePercent + " %");

      $("#poolHashRate").text(_formatter(value.poolStats.poolHashrate, 5, "H/s"));
      $("#poolMiners").text(value.poolStats.connectedMiners + " Miner(s)");

      $("#networkHashRate").text(_formatter(value.networkStats.networkHashrate, 5, "H/s"));
      $("#networkDifficulty").text(_formatter(value.networkStats.networkDifficulty, 5, ""));
.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadStatsData)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


// STATS page charts function loadStatsChart() { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/performance") .done(function(data) { labels = [];

  poolHashRate = [];
  networkHashRate = [];
  networkDifficulty = [];
  connectedMiners = [];
  connectedWorkers = [];

  $.each(data.stats, function(index, value) {
    if (labels.length === 0 || (labels.length + 1) % 4 === 1) {
      var createDate = convertLocalDateToUTCDate(new Date(value.created),false);
      labels.push(createDate.getHours() + ":00");
    } else {

  var dataPoolHash          = {labels: labels,series: [poolHashRate]};
  var dataNetworkHash       = {labels: labels,series: [networkHashRate]};
  var dataNetworkDifficulty = {labels: labels,series: [networkDifficulty]};
  var dataMiners            = {labels: labels,series: [connectedMiners,connectedWorkers]};

  var options = {
    height: "200px",
    showArea: false,
    seriesBarDistance: 1,
    // low:Math.min.apply(null,networkHashRate)/1.1,
    axisX: {
      showGrid: false
    axisY: {
      offset: 47,
      scale: "logcc",
      labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
        return _formatter(value, 1, "");
    lineSmooth: Chartist.Interpolation.simple({
      divisor: 2

  var responsiveOptions = [
      "screen and (max-width: 320px)",
        axisX: {
          labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
            return value[1];
  Chartist.Line("#chartStatsHashRate", dataNetworkHash, options, responsiveOptions);
  Chartist.Line("#chartStatsDiff", dataNetworkDifficulty, options, responsiveOptions);
  Chartist.Line("#chartStatsMiners", dataMiners, options, responsiveOptions);

.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadStatsChart)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


// DASHBOARD page data function loadDashboardData(walletAddress) { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/miners/" + walletAddress) .done(function(data) { $("#pendingShares").text(_formatter(data.pendingShares, 0, "")); var workerHashRate = 0; if (data.performance) { $.each(data.performance.workers, function(index, value) { workerHashRate += value.hashrate; }); } $("#minerHashRate").text(_formatter(workerHashRate, 5, "H/s")); $("#pendingBalance").text(_formatter(data.pendingBalance, 5, "")); $("#paidBalance").text(_formatter(data.todayPaid, 5, "")); $("#lifetimeBalance").text(_formatter(data.pendingBalance + data.totalPaid, 5, "") ); }) .fail(function() { $.notify( { message: "Error: No response from API.
(loadDashboardData)" }, { type: "danger", timer: 3000 } ); }); }

// DASHBOARD page Miner table function loadDashboardWorkerList(walletAddress) { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/miners/" + walletAddress) .done(function(data) { var workerList = ""; if (data.performance) { var workerCount = 0; $.each(data.performance.workers, function(index, value) { workerCount++; workerList += ""; workerList += "" + workerCount + ""; if (index.length === 0) { workerList += "Unnamed"; } else { workerList += "" + index + ""; } workerList += "" + _formatter(value.hashrate, 5, "H/s") + ""; workerList += "" + _formatter(value.sharesPerSecond, 5, "S/s") + ""; workerList += ""; }); } else { workerList += 'None'; } $("#workerCount").text(workerCount); $("#workerList").html(workerList); }) .fail(function() { $.notify( { message: "Error: No response from API.
(loadDashboardWorkerList)" }, { type: "danger", timer: 3000 } ); }); }

// DASHBOARD page chart function loadDashboardChart(walletAddress) { return $.ajax(API + "pools/" + currentPool + "/miners/" + walletAddress + "/performance") .done(function(data) {

    labels = [];
    minerHashRate = [];

    $.each(data, function(index, value) {
      if (labels.length === 0 || (labels.length + 1) % 4 === 1) {
        var createDate = convertLocalDateToUTCDate(
          new Date(value.created),
        labels.push(createDate.getHours() + ":00");
      } else {
      var workerHashRate = 0;
      $.each(value.workers, function(index2, value2) {workerHashRate += value2.hashrate;});
    var data = {labels: labels,series: [minerHashRate]};
    var options = {
      height: "200px",
      showArea: true,
      seriesBarDistance: 1,
      axisX: {
        showGrid: false
      axisY: {
        offset: 47,
        labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
          return _formatter(value, 1, "");
      lineSmooth: Chartist.Interpolation.simple({
        divisor: 2
    var responsiveOptions = [
      "screen and (max-width: 320px)",
        axisX: {
          labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
            return value[0];
    Chartist.Line("#chartDashboardHashRate", data, options, responsiveOptions);

.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadDashboardChart)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


// Generate Coin based sidebar function loadNavigation() { return $.ajax(API + "pools") .done(function(data) { var coinLogo = ""; var coinName = ""; var poolList = "


  if (poolList.length > 0) {

  var sidebarList = "";
  const sidebarTemplate = $(".sidebar-template").html();
  sidebarList += sidebarTemplate
    .replace(/{{ coinId }}/g, currentPool)
    .replace(/{{ coinLogo }}/g, coinLogo)
    .replace(/{{ coinName }}/g, coinName)

  $("a.link").each(function() {
    if (localStorage[currentPool + "-walletAddress"] && this.href.indexOf("/dashboard") > 0)
      this.href = "#" + currentPool + "/dashboard?address=" + localStorage[currentPool + "-walletAddress"];

.fail(function() {
      message: "Error: No response from API.<br>(loadNavigation)"
      type: "danger",
      timer: 3000


Nginx Config

server { listen 80; server_name [censored];

# Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
location / {
    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;


server { listen 443 ssl; server_name [censored];

# SSL/TLS configuration
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/[sencored]/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/[sencored]/privkey.pem;

# Root directory and index files for the main site
root /var/www/html;
index index.html index.htm;

# Handle /api/ requests with proxy_pass
location /api/ {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:5000/api/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    # Optional: set other proxy headers as needed
    # proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
    # proxy_send_timeout 30s;
    # proxy_read_timeout 30s;

    # Optional: enable buffering of responses from the proxied server
    # proxy_buffering on;

# Default location block for the main site
location / {
    # Serve static files directly from root
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
