minetest-mods / drinks

Adds a machine to juice fruits and veggies in Minetest
8 stars 4 forks source link

User changing speed of becoming thirsty #10

Closed Golutazem closed 4 years ago

Golutazem commented 4 years ago

This request is for a way for the user to change the speed at which the player becomes thirsty. The current rate of becoming thirsty is impractically fast. This could be based on the speed at which the player becomes hungry, such as making the player become thirsty twice as fast as he becomes hungry.

NathanSalapat commented 4 years ago

This mod doesn't control thirst, for that look to this mod, https://github.com/bendeutsch/minetest-thirsty The drinks just replenish hydration if the thirst mod is running.