minetest-mods / nether

Nether mod for Minetest
19 stars 28 forks source link

Nether trees. #62

Open Tim79000 opened 1 year ago

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

A species of tree for the nether could make the place look more alive, maybe it could be based on coral?

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Maybe it could be a fungi will multiple caps?

Treer commented 1 year ago

Would you make them from existing MTG nodes, or introduce new ones?

e.g. should cutting them down be a way to get wood in the nether, or something else? And if something else, what purpose could the new blocks have? (bonus if it's nether related)

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I could provide textures if they are rocky or metallic. I am not great at plants yet, but I am getting better. Just say what you want and with what license.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Maybe the trees could be fireproof, maybe they could be thorny and require a axe to mine, maybe they sap lava as a renewable source.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

That makes me wonder if it would be easier to recode parts of wood behavior leaving out flammability, or to make them a part of group wood and somehow make them also flammable.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

They are just like wood, without the flamability, here is the shape I was thinking of: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Ramaria_formosa2.png

Treer commented 1 year ago

You'd want an evocative name for the wood, the fact that's fireproof could be stated on the second line, rather than being its name. The tree/growth/fungus/wort would need a name too, perhaps one that hints at some lore. Do the tips of the growth need a different block?

It looks like a difficult shape to capture in voxels

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

The tips of the growth should be a separate block, that could be harvested for a sapling, the sapling grows into the fungi, everything else is the stem.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I think it might help a lot if you could show a build of it in a world with a placeholder node.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago


Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

imma make some textures and fork this.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I thought of a potential name. Emberspore.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago


Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

I thought of a potential name. Emberspore.


Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

The parts of it with lava sap could be glow in dark.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I don't know if specific parts of a node can glow in Minetest. I never saw anything to suggest it's possible anyway.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

I mean't the node that has it. Thats impossible.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Should sap be collected with a bucket, or with a specific treetap? Technic support?

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

Probably a bucket, but compatibility with other mods can't hurt.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

What do you think of a dark brown color?

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

What would be dark brown? The bucket, the sap, the mushroom itself? And gow do you make the mushroom stop growing? Does the node have a random chance of turning into a plain one that can't spawn new nodes?

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

The fungus itself, is not technically a mushroom. And it will function like a tree, except under certain conditions, it might be able to place a sapling near it that will not grow unless their is enough space.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Conditions could require nearby glowstone to enrich it's growth, maybe glowstone could grow out of the floor?

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Or at the outsides of geodes.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I feel like it should be a structure like how trees are. I actually might have an idea how I would do it. I don't know which biome I'd want it in though. I would do a coral/mushroom shape. Probably thin and flat. I'd make it grow mushroom blocks upwards with a random chance they are either a normal mushroom block or one that can grow. Then you can harvest the ones that still have some growth in them and plant them wherever. Like the chorus flowers in Minecraft. I might make a prototype myself. You do your ideas, I do mine. If they are both good, they both get forked in. If only one is good, inoy one gets forked in. And finally, if both are awful, the Nether mod remains treeless.

P.s. I would potentially add a shroomlight equivalent?

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Shroomlights aren't going to be in mine, since the lava that it saps already produces light.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

I need some textures.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

Feel free to color shift anything from TMS https://git.minetest.land/TheOnlyJoeEnderman/Too_Many_Stones

I can try to make something else if you have some reference images.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Something smooth looking, and the top which is like rubber bristles on a hairbrush packed together.

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I can't quite picture that. Unless, are you saying like a Minecraft mushroom block on the sides and a Minecraft haybale on top and bottom?

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

not on the bottom, but a transition between the top and sides for the topmost blocks

JoeEnderman commented 1 year ago

I have no idea if I can do that.

Tim79000 commented 1 year ago

Getting to work on my own nether trees currently.