minetest-mods / streets

Urban roadbuilding for Minetest! A collaborative mod by webD97, cheapie and Thomas-S
22 stars 17 forks source link

Mod structure #99

Open Thomas--S opened 6 years ago

Thomas--S commented 6 years ago

Version 3.0 should be more modular and flexible in its structure.

To achieve this, I suggest the following:

minetest-streets (Organization)
 ├ streets (Repository)
 │  ├ modpack.txt
 │  ├ streets_api
 │  │  ├ init.lua
 │  │  ├ helpers.lua
 │  │  ├ light.lua
 │  │  ├ roadmarkings.lua
 │  │  ├ roadsurface.lua
 │  │  ├ trafficlight.lua
 │  │  └ signs.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_accessories
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  ├ init.lua
 │  │  ├ chainlink_fence.lua
 │  │  ├ delineators.lua
 │  │  ├ steelsupport.lua
 │  │  └ guardrail.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_bollards
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_concrete
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_light
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_poles
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  ├ init.lua
 │  │  ├ bigpoles.lua
 │  │  └ poles.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_roadmarkingtool
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_roadsurface
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_roadwork
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  ├ init.lua
 │  │  ├ barrier_tape.lua
 │  │  ├ blinking_light.lua
 │  │  ├ roadwork_delineator.lua
 │  │  ├ traffic_barrier.lua
 │  │  ├ traffic_cone.lua
 │  │  └ traffic_fence.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_trafficlight
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_workshop
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  └ init.lua
 │  │
 │  ├ streets_signs_minetest
 │  │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  │  ├ init.lua
 │  │  ├ danger.lua
 │  │  ├ mandatory.lua
 │  │  ├ priority.lua
 │  │  ├ prohibitory.lua
 │  │  └ writeable.lua
 │  │
 │  └ streets_roadmarkings
 │     ├ textures (folder)
 │     ├ init.lua
 │     ├ side.lua
 │     ├ center.lua
 │     └ arrows.lua
 ├ streets_laneuse (Repository)
 │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  └ init.lua
 ├ streets_matrix_screen (Repository)
 │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  └ init.lua
 ├ streets_roadmarkings_addon (Repository)
 │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  ├ init.lua
 │  └ ... (one file per type)
 ├ streets_signs_de (Repository)
 │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  ├ init.lua
 │  ├ danger.lua
 │  ├ mandatory.lua
 │  ├ other.lua
 │  ├ priority.lua
 │  ├ prohibitory.lua
 │  └ writeable.lua
 ├ streets_signs_us (Repository)
 │  ├ textures (folder)
 │  ├ init.lua
 │  ├ danger.lua
 │  ├ mandatory.lua
 │  ├ other.lua
 │  ├ priority.lua
 │  ├ prohibitory.lua
 │  └ writeable.lua
 └ streets_trafficlight_addon (Repository)
    ├ textures (folder)
    └ init.lua

Update: (04-03-2018): Renamed streets_basic_roadmarkings to streets_roadmarkings.

webD97 commented 6 years ago

I support this concept, even though I think it's a bit too early to agree on individual files. But the directory/ mod structure is good.

Thomas--S commented 6 years ago

The mod structure is roughly ready now. The contents of the submods need to be updated now.