minetest-mods / xdecor

A decoration mod for Minetest meant to be light, simple and well-featured
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remove untranslateable chars from Buttontext #137

Closed yodabear1 closed 3 years ago

yodabear1 commented 4 years ago

This specific Button has the Caption "< Back" (with only "Back" translateable) There is no Explanation, why "Back" is to the left. Or is the Caption "less than Back"?

A Button usually has the caption "Forward" or "Back" or "Select" or "Crafting". No extra directional signs.

SmallJoker commented 4 years ago

< is faster to read and easier to understand than Back. I don't see any necessity to change this.

yodabear1 commented 4 years ago

Well that depends. As mentioned above, it is not entirely logical, why it should be so in every language. Western languages are read from left to right. So you might true to say left is "Back". but what about arabic or chinese?

At least change the translareable String to "< Back", so it can easily be changed without changing the mod-code.