minetest-texture-packs / Good-Morning-Craft

🌅A simple yet quirky texture pack by Louis Durrant, licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Some New textures/beter textures #3

Closed tobyplowy closed 7 years ago

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu Your textures Look Good but They Don't Really Fit the style of Good morning Craft I Made this topic to share some of my textures

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

bone_block_top bone_block_top bone_block_side bone_block_side

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Yes I know.

The textures I have taken from a sample texture pack just to fill in the blanks

I haven't done any proper work on it yet :)

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Bone block side is good, but the top I'm thinking of making it look like the Oak Block on Good Morning Craft. So it respects the style:


I want to respect the style of the original author as much as possible

Maybe Bone Block top can be a re-color of the Oak Block top

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

bone_block_top bone_block_top re-color of the Oak Block top bone_block_side bone_block_side

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

mob_spawner mob_spawner

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

chorus_plant chorus_plant chorus_flower chorus_flower chorus_flower_dead chorus_flower_dead

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Thank you :) I will add them in

Could you in future add each different one in a different thread, just to keep things cleaner, and keep track of whats done

I have updated bone_top and bone_side

I have updated chorus_plant, chorus_flower and chorus_flower_dead

mob_spawner I did not update as Good Morning Craft already had one

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu Can you give me credit I will be making More textures Next One on the list is coal block I have also started work on a port for Minetest (also a little reminder I cannot make a pull Requests I don't know how to do it So you will have to Put the textures i make in The Pack)

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Here is the commit:


Thank you! More contributions welcome

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy of course you will get credit. I will add a section on the front with your name. I appreciate this a lot.

Ok upload it here, and I will add it in.

How are you doing the Minetest one? Another GitHub repo? How will this be done?


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu for the minetest texture pack I will be making a Zip and i will Give It To You via onedrive download and you can just make the Repo and The forum topic (I Would recommend already making a an acount on the minetest forums https://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?f=4&sid=df4e1c3e568164489988827121999daa )

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy I have an idea for Minetest compatability

Create the .zip for the minetest package once you are done, then send it to me.

I will then try to create an automatic script to then automatically create a minetest texture pack based off this repo...

This way... we only need to update one project, and it will propagate to both :)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

What do you mean by minetest package ( do you Mean the base game textures)

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

yes i meant a .zip for the textures in the minetest format

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

I did Pretty much all the textures

Thers Only a couple More that have to be Done i put them in a seperit folder calld todo https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R21Oy8fi78n9T8xIt

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy thank you, I will have a look when I come back home from work.

Great progress! :) this is exciting

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy ok slight problem

someone else has created a GMC project. I have contacted him for us to all collaborate.


I will let you know once he responds!

If he decides not to collaborate, then this project will be the Minetest project :)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu I hope he wants to collaborate

Also I Wanted to ask is there 1.11 stuff i Can texture? Like llamas or evoker and if so can you make the issus?

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Hold it off for now. I want to see what the other person says after he replies

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu It Will probably Take A While to get a reply The Last Time he was online It Was 4 months ago

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

He was last active ealier this month:

Last active Sat, Oct, 1 2016 06:35:31

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago


Can you give me credit

done. Check the Read Me. Under Contributors

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu Did The guy on the forms alredy reply?

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy no not yet. I will give him 1 week to reply.

Also, I am posting this onto Minecraft Forums, hopefully it gets approved by today (there is a clash with the other guys project, no point having two GMCs right?), and then we can properly start work on it

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu Have You worked on the minetest build alredy?

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

Not yet, you need to give me the zip of a minetest GMC first so I actually know what I'm doing

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu I already did 3 Times

I did Pretty much all the textures

Thers Only a couple More that have to be Done i put them in a seperit folder calld todo https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R21Oy8fi78n9T8xIt

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu This Is The download link https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R21Oy8fi78n9T8xIt

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu What will you do If You doesn't reply In A Week

no not yet. I will give him 1 week to reply.

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy then this project will continue as it is I guess, with added Minetest support. He may respond in 4 months time, then we shall decide what to do.

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy oh yes, you did send it to me, misunderstood what you said.

didnt realise you was sending me the minetest version

i will get to work soon

Why does some of them have default_ on them, but some dont?

It will be a long process by the way. Be patient with me

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu minetest has a mod API and Its Made out of the same Mod api And Everything that has the default_ is from the default nodes (blocks) mod Simply said the Standard blocks like grass Stone dirt you get the Idea

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu and has the Guy from the forums already replyed If not I don't think he/she will

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu so did he answer?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu hi still interested in working together

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy hey, the guy did not respond unfortunately :( So now this project may have to turn into the minetest project, as he is managing the Official Good Morning Craft.

I do not want to have 2 seperate "Official" Good morning crafts

what do you think about this?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu When do we start with the minetest project?

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy will get it started today! Have been quite busy lately. Will change the project structure today to Minetest one

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu you will help with the technical side yes (I can only do Art I cannot help with github related Stuff)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu also the pacages have updated sins last time ters new textures so you need to use this link https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R41Ph9wFrdzrLtrY8

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy done. Now the project is now for minetest. Can you give me installation instructions, so I can add it to the readme?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu give me a sec

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy Does it seem like someone else is making Good Morning Craft for Minetest?


This is from 2013 though

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu warning I don't know If this is gonna be really helpful but I'm gonna try, so first you will need minetest you can get it here http://www.minetest.net once you have that you download the texture pack then you go to your minetest installation directory for me it's C:\games\minetest then go to the textures folder and put it in there (Note you will have to extract the zip)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7600 yes I know about this but it's really outdated

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu also he's not working on it anymore

dolanmiu commented 7 years ago

@tobyplowy I see. So I guess it is now our job to keep Good Morning Craft maintained.

I have updated the page. Added instructions. Please tell me if the installation instructions are good or clear

What are the next steps? Are you going to post it on the minetest forum?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu The next step is converting the rest of the textures

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu also C:\Program Files (x86)\Minetest is not the standart game derectory this is C:\Games\minetest\textures

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@dolanmiu how will we split the work?