minetest-whynot / whynot-game

Minetest game in minetest mods collection style
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 7 forks source link

Whynot missions #60

Open bell07 opened 2 years ago

bell07 commented 2 years ago

The comment https://content.minetest.net/threads/1054/#reply-2464 does not leave my mind..

Hugues Ross describes the whynot as mod soup but not a game. This is no surprise, since the whynot is a "game in mods collection style". But I fully agree it is not a good game. Maybe that is the reason why my child's and me lost interest in the game.

Abstract: What is a good game? A good game provides different missions. Any mission must have

In linear games just one mission is in progress.

For example: Mario Jump&Run:

In non linear games multiple missions can be active at the same time.

Whynot: What we have

craftguide reveal system. Each recipe is a mission.

If wood, stone and iron are revealed, nothing is observable anymore. The craftguide contain a lot of pages with items. The player does not see which of them are already crafted (mission completed) or not

awards mod - lot of missions

Awards mod seems to provide missions but no awards :-(

The Wynot is a collection of mods, with the mind the player decides which of them he like to play. Abstract the testing mods are the whynot missions.

How we can improve the missions in whynot? Do we need additional whynot rules for that?

Lazerbeak12345 commented 2 years ago

I’m pretty sure awards notifies the user. In Minecraft, that’s all that their awards do - though most of their awards are sequential, and teach the player how to play.

The awards mod does support custom awards, and it also supports sequential awards. Most of their award goals are pretty stupid tbh. “Build 10,000 of x” where x is cobblestone, torches, furnaces, wood, and many many many more. We could use the api, and a member of the team could release a mod (that should be on contentdb) to have, in addition to the current awards, awards that guide the user around mtg. After that, we can either send code to mods we use to add quality awards, or just make it a part of our mod (called something like quality-awards).

Of course, the “place 10,000 furnaces” and related awards should not be removed for compatibility reasons. They can also serve as (low quality) mid-to-late-game goals.

By “quality goal” I mean this:

dacmot commented 2 years ago

I can see how the negative "mod soup" comment can get you thinking. It questions the very meaning of Why Not's existence (raison d'être).

I've always seen Why Not as a curated collection of high-quality mods that represent the best MT can offer in terms of a minecraft-like mining game. Maybe we can do better than that, by adding to it so it becomes a more enjoyable survival game.

I do find that the creative mode is stronger than the survival mode, despite the "clashing styles" Mr. Ross mentions. For survival, the progress and goals make a very short list. Repeating and building on what Mr. Ross said:

After that, survival and mining is basically over. It becomes creative mode without the unlimited resources, which forces you to mine.

P.S. @Lazerbeak12345, would you mind editing your previous message and removing bell07's recopied part?

dacmot commented 2 years ago

So, if I may summarize your initial ideas:

dacmot commented 2 years ago

If I may add to that list (ideas in no particular order, just brainstorming. And yes, I know, some of these would require A LOT of work):

bell07 commented 2 years ago

Great ideas at all!

I like the idea the awards mod should be used to guide the player trough the game. Since the game is a mods collection, the guide should go trough each mod. The each mission start condition, progress, goal and reward we need to define.

The default awards should be set to "invisible". Means the award appears and gets visible, if reached already.

About creative: I have no eye for aesthetics so I see only 2 styles: MTG and Homedecor. Maybe we solve it by remove homdecor-like things. The smart_sfinv contains enhancement you can filter the creative inventory by mod. Maybe we need to extend it to sort the creative inventory by art-style? Then we need hard-coded table which mod is which art style.

Idea to enhance the craftguide reveal system: Currently the crasftguide is overhelmed shortly. The idea now is to define for each goal which items are revealed. Maybe combine the old logic with the new one. Additional idea is to add the same "by-mod" logic to the craftguide as exists already for creative. (The smart_sfinv is my modpack ;-)) But the feature of craftguide is not clear currently because of #53

The game is not balanced. But I did not forked and modified the mods yet to get the game balanced. Exceptions are some settings in minetest.conf and some changed recipes in whynot_compat. I think a lot of forks for beter game balance we three can't do maintenance.

Mobs and biomes are already in discussion, we have already issues #21 #23 #32

Lazerbeak12345 commented 2 years ago

I think forking a mod could be a bad long-term idea. That would make whynot the "new home" of that mod. Making a new mod (and publishing it separately from whynot) expressly for whynot seems like a better idea - if pushes for config settings or other things don't make it in upstream.

dacmot commented 2 years ago

About the art style: I also think Mr. Ross was talking about homedecor which is more high-resolution, less in the blocky/pixelated style of MTG.

I agree that forking should be done as a last resort, and very rarely. I'm hoping a lot of the customization can be done either by submitting patches upstream, or using config files to override the mod's defaults.

Is there a way to assign priorities to issues? I think maybe that could help us focus on what we want to do first. I think #53 should probably be the top priority. Then maybe awards. What do you think?

Lazerbeak12345 commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to assign priorities to issues?

There isn't an "official" way to assign priorities (unless the new GH projects have it) but there is kanban, simple projects, milestones and tags. Tags or milestones might be the best approach. (though we can use a mix)

53 is a good choice for top prio. I like the idea of awards after that. Following awards, I'd say #49

Lazerbeak12345 commented 2 years ago

Perhaps the awards needs categories?

I can easily imagine awards getting out of hand if we add every idea that @dacmot suggested. (Not to say I don't like them - I really really like them. The missions system should touch every playable aspect of the game)

Lazerbeak12345 commented 1 year ago

I've been thinking about using github labels or to organize the issues by what work needs done on them.

Looking through the issues, I think here could be some categories:

Also, some metadata

dacmot commented 1 year ago

Sure. Though I think this conversation belongs in another issue. #88 or #47 maybe?

Lazerbeak12345 commented 1 year ago

Ah right. It was more on-topic when I was orignally writing it, but it sortof broadened in scope....

dacmot commented 1 year ago

I've attempted to modify the mapgen settings to improve (in my opinion) the game: https://github.com/minetest-whynot/whynot-game/compare/main...dacmot:minetest-game-whynot:mapgen

So far I've:

A couple of notes: there doesn't seem to be dungeons in the floatlands so using the "princess themed" blocks doesn't do anything. I'd like to push the mese_crystals further down, so that people don't jump from stone tools to mese tools.

I'm trying to use settings as much as possible so that it can be experimented with different values more easily.

Lazerbeak12345 commented 1 year ago

I like these changes. My only complaint is the increasing trend to have code unique to whynot that can't be found on contentdb.

dacmot commented 1 year ago

Good point. I should make a separate mod then.