minetest / contentdb

A content database for Minetest mods, games, and more
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Increase minimum password requirements #458

Closed rubenwardy closed 3 months ago

rubenwardy commented 10 months ago

Also check passwords on log in and redirect to change password form

purchaseman26 commented 7 months ago

I found this git page of up to 10 million common passwords you can reference, and have as small as 1000. I don't know too much python but I'm sure if you can try to reference the txt file to have it check through the list as they type each letter. Like with a simple if password in "list.txt" and make a popup saying the password is too common when they try to use it, then it should work.

doxygen-spammer commented 6 months ago

I found this git page of up to 10 million common passwords you can reference, and have as small as 1000.

You could reduce this list to 0 passwords — the other 1000 passwords are 11 characters or shorter, and therefore already rejected by ContentDB. ;)

The top 100,000 has 489 passwords with at least 12 characters. They look indeed common, and include only a few “cat walked over keyboard”:


The ContendDB server could brute force all users with these 489 passwords (or even the 44150 passwords from top 10,000,000), and then send a message to pwned users. That is faster than to wait until they log in. But do you think this makes anyone actually choose a better password, or will they just append a single character from [<>§,"°] to make the system shut up?

rubenwardy commented 6 months ago

Yeah, I implemented support for checking from the X most common passwords - but ended up with 0 in the list due to the min password length requirement