minetest / minetest_game

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Torches visibly "teleport" on place. #3118

Open Kazooo100 opened 1 month ago

Kazooo100 commented 1 month ago

When you place a wall torch it renders as floor torch for a second before becoming wall torch. This is not an issue in some other games (such as mineclonia) so it is not an engine thing.

This can be fixed by adding

node_placement_prediction = "",

to mods/default/torch.lua around line 46, under sounds before on_place

appgurueu commented 1 month ago

There is an engine limitation in that the engine doesn't have the capability to do proper placement prediction here.

This can be fixed by adding node_placement_prediction = "",

This works, but will have players wait at least one round-trip time until they get the node on their screen. Under high lag conditions, this may be an issue. I also think that it will generally feel a bit "choppier" if there is no immediate client feedback.

I am not convinced that immediate, incorrect prediction is worse than delayed, correct placement.

If the round-trip time is insignificant, the "glitch" should only be visible for the blink of an eye.

A proper fix would have to wait for engine features (SSCSM or specific prediction features).