minexew / Shrine

A TempleOS distro for heretics
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Revive this please. #33

Closed xslendix closed 4 years ago

minexew commented 5 years ago

Please do!

Lartu commented 5 years ago


tosrevive commented 5 years ago

I am willing to work on reviving this, I actually just rebuilt my Shrine ISO yesterday and have hacked its build process a bit. It would be really great if people would help round up all the Temple OS related Apps and Temple OS based operating systems they know of so we have a centralized place to keep track of them and so they don't disappear.

I setup some repositories to keep track of stuff:

Temple OS applications and drivers: https://github.com/tosrevive/TOSApps

Temple OS based operating systems: https://github.com/tosrevive/TOSBasedOSs

I would appreciate help rounding up all the Apps people made for Temple OS so we can keep track of them. It would be especially great if someone who has a local copy or mirror of the code which was located at https://devhub.io/search?keyword=tramplersheikhs would upload it to github. I'm especially interested in the web browser uriel, the terminal application templeterm and the UEFI boot loader templeos-uefi. If you have these file or links to other Apps please either make a pull request to put them as a sub module in https://github.com/tosrevive/TOSApps or if you don't know how, let me know where the code is and I'll do it.

On a Shrine related note, is there any chance you (or anyone?) can send me the Shrine package manager related files which where hosted at http://shrineupd.clanweb.eu/packages so I can try to find new hosting for them? If someone could please dump them in a git repo or get them to me via any other method that would also be greatly appreciated.

I'm also interested in getting C code running inside Temple OS and HolyC code running outside of Temple OS. To that end I've created two more repositories.

For going from ASM/HolyC to C/C++ I'm going to put stuff here: https://github.com/tosrevive/HolyC2C I've done a bit of work on this which I'll eventually upload. I've looked into this quite a bit and there are various reasons this is quite difficult such as some functions are pure assembly that need to be manually translated and the HolyC compiler knows about function/symbol names at runtime which allows for the black magic of calling functions without the () or parameters. If you've translated any of his assembly code functions to C it would also be great to put it here. I've done a bit of translating I'll put in here eventually when I clean it up.

For going from C/C++ to HolyC or for code which enables running other languages inside Temple OS, I'm going to put stuff here: https://github.com/tosrevive/C2HolyC For those interested in this, there is a very awesome project described here: https://www.jwhitham.org/2015/07/porting-third-party-programs-to-templeos.html

Again if you have anything that fits in any of these buckets, please share it!

minexew commented 5 years ago

Give me a few days, you shall have it!

tosrevive commented 5 years ago

Also you might be interested in my hack to the Temple OS boot loader. With it you can fully automate your build script and not have to press 1 to boot the C drive. The relevant change to Adam/Opt/Boot/BootMHD2.HC is here: https://github.com/tosrevive/ShrineTextMode/commit/f7fbc2420e9664099a436501d667737b8c58db51

minexew commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Mirror of shrineupd: https://github.com/minexew/Shrine/releases/download/dummytag/zaloha_shrineupd.clanweb.eu_web_2019-08-28-212301.zip Helper scripts i used to maintain it: https://gist.github.com/minexew/96851a3b8e93f04dad54b22c524faa51

tosrevive commented 5 years ago

Thanks, got it. I'll setup some web hosting and get it working again and then I'll make a pull request.

tosrevive commented 5 years ago

I've setup hosting for the packages and made a pull request that fixes the package manager to point to the new link. If you want to test it before a new Shrine release happens, just modify your Pkg.HC like what is done in the pull request.

xslendix commented 5 years ago

Why not make temple os also compatible again with real hardware while we are still at codin templeos.

xslendix commented 4 years ago

I'm working on a new package manager for TOS. The only thing is, I need help with snailnet since it has problems. See #35 for details on the problem. The server seems to be working fine, until then, i will start working on a prototype in python3 STR8 HOLYC BABY WOOOOO

minexew commented 4 years ago

Closing for now, hope erryone's cool with that.