mingkaid / rl-prompt

Accompanying repo for the RLPrompt paper
MIT License
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question #31

Closed 18712234451 closed 11 months ago

18712234451 commented 11 months ago

Dear author, hello, I encountered a problem that I could not download the pre-trained model in the process of trying to run the code. I tried some methods but still could not solve it. Can you help me solve this doubt? Thank you so much

OSError: Can't load config for './examples/few-shot-classification/rlprompt/distgpt2/'. Make sure that:

MM-IR commented 11 months ago

Hi, I think you just used the incorrect model names/identifiers...

If you want to use DistilGPT2, please use the name "distilgpt2", instead of "distgpt2".

MM-IR commented 11 months ago

And please check your model_name string in your model logging line.

Since it is a clarification, I am closing it now.