mingo-app / mingo

Found a bug? have a FR ?
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Refund please - nevermind, consider it as a donation to continue building :) #296

Closed qdhenry closed 2 years ago

qdhenry commented 3 years ago

So, the original title of this email was me requesting a refund but while writing the reasons why I was requesting a refund I changed my mind and figure I'll just give you some feedback on my initial user experience and hopefully some motivation to continue your efforts.

I really applaud your efforts with this product and I can definitely understand that this is a tough product to build. I will have to request a refund though as the platform seems to have a ways to go before it's mature enough for someone like myself coming from Studio3t.

In the first 10 minutes as a user, I'm met with the following bugs:

  1. continuously showing the upgrade screen though I bought and registered my license within the app

  2. unreliable connection to localhost databases, very slow sync on localhost if it syncs at all, I haven't even tried to connect to a remote host yet so I can only imagine how slow that might be.

  3. I created a new database then created a collection. The view does not update and shows the new collection, behaves as if I didn't add the collection at all. No visual feedback, no update of the UI.

By the way, I'm on Mac OS Catalina ver. 10.15.7. I assume this is an Electron app? I notice Electron causes mongo on Mac to crash a lot lately...

Again, not trying to speak poorly of your product at all, I truly understand how hard it is to build something like this, it's just not mature enough for me personally and the types of projects I work on.

I hope it continues to mature and I am able to come back because I love the UI, I love the features that you guys are focused on, and the price was very attractive and it seems you guys are definitely on the right track to building a fantastic mongo GUI, and I'm excited to be able to come back when it's in a better place.

If I may offer one small bit of additional advice from the business perspective, maybe hold back on the marketing for 6 months or so, stop attempting to discount the product with promotions, it could easily be 99.00 - 149.00 a year once you guys nail this down, freeze the current feature set and perfect it, flesh out all the bugs maybe consider dumping Electron for native mac...

There are not many good products in the market for managing mongo so before you potentially damage your huge opportunity in this market, get the bugs out first and then start marketing against Studio3T, Compass ( though compass doesn't really do anything so they don't even count 😂). It's really you guys versus Studio3T in my opinion. I found you guys while looking for an alternative option to Studio 3T because my license expired this morning and I was about to spend 150 for the year to renew, but before I did so I figured I check and see what was new in this space. If there are other people out there like me who come across your product while looking for the alternative to Studio, you're doing harm to your future potential by keywording your site to compete with them at this time.

So, instead of requesting a refund, I'd like to just request that you don't automatically renew my account in a year, instead just accept my payment as a small donation towards your efforts. I'll keep an eye on you guys and circle back in the future.

Feel free to reach out if you need beta testers in the future or if you are looking for another engineer to get on board with you, let me know :)

All the best,

Thanks Radoslav and Dave!

tothradoslav commented 3 years ago

Hi Quintin,

first of all, your feedback is much more appreciated than the license fee, so we have refunded it already.

I guess we DO need more beta testers and feedback from different environments to remove the bugs. :)

Yes, we are using Electron, though we have looked for alternatives, but all of them need some maturing before they can replace Electron in case of Mingo.

We went through the issues you listed, but unfortunately, I could not reproduce them on my machine. I'm using the same exact version of Catalina you mentioned. It would be great to have more details about the setup you have, such as mongodb version. I'm thinking of a better way to get more detailed info regarding the mentioned issues.

Maybe you have an idea?

We are just about to release a new version with some profound changes in the core. A pre-release is available on github. Could you please try it out?


It is surprising to hear that Mingo is slow as most of our feedback suggests otherwise. I guess it just means it's not perfect, yet :) And I do agree with you, that we should first focus on getting the issues sorted before marketing the product.

We would really like to fix all you issues and see you using Mingo as a real alternative to Studio3T, for example. If you have any ideas on how we can cooperate on this, please let me know.

Thank you for you time and effort, Quintin.


qdhenry commented 3 years ago

@tothradoslav , Rad, immediate first impressions after loading up the new release candidate is fucking wow! As soon as the app opened, everything was there! I guess this is what I was originally expecting/hoping for when I gave the app a test spin this past weekend.

I am a little short on time today so I won't have a ton of time to really kick the tires but I will definitely do so though-out the week, but I just wanted to reply here in public as a counter to my original post because potentially something was wrong on my end on Saturday because the RC appears to be working how you know it to work "on your machines :)". Super excited to dig into it more! I will circle back in a few days. Thank you for getting back to me. Have a great day!

tothradoslav commented 3 years ago

Thanks @qdhenry for letting us know. Please let us know if you find any issues or whether those mentioned above have been resolved by the new version.