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How do we change the position of edge #699

Open Goutham10 opened 2 years ago

Goutham10 commented 2 years ago

I've build a network architecture design where i want to make more customization in my design. so please help me how do we change the position of Edge() the way presenting in the design


Here, in the diagram we have two edges going towards "storage backup layer" cluster from "application layer" cluster with the labels as "application backup"

now, my requirement is i want to make a edge(label="application backup") go above the "database layer" cluster till backup server 2 and another edge(label="application backup") should go below the "database layer" cluster


from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge, Node from diagrams.custom import Custom

common_cluster ={ "bgcolor":"white", "fontsize" : "20", "pencolor" : "brown", "penwidth" : "1", "orientation" : "portrait"


temp_cluster = { "pencolor" : "brown", "penwidth" : "0", "bgcolor" : "white",

"orientation" : "portrait"


main_cluster ={ "labelloc" : "t", "fontsize" : "28",

"labeljust" : "l",

"splines" : "spline"


with Diagram("Network Architecture", show=False, graph_attr= main_cluster):

with Cluster("  Storage Backup \nLayer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
    # with Cluster("Backup Server"):
    data = [Custom("Backup\nServer " + str(i)+"\n\n","./images/DB_replicate_"+str(i)+".png") for i in range(1,3)]

    # data[0] - Edge(color="white") - data[1] <<  Edge(label="DB backup", style="bold") <<db
    # db << Edge() >> data[0]

with Cluster("",graph_attr=temp_cluster):
    with Cluster("  Application Layer \n ", graph_attr=common_cluster):
        server = [Custom("Application\n Server\n\n", "./images/Server.png")]

    with Cluster("  Database Layer",graph_attr=common_cluster):
        db = Custom("\nDatabase\nServer\n\n", "./images/Database.jpg")

with Cluster("  Presentation Layer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
    clients = [Custom("Client","./images/Client.png") for i in range(3)]

    # clients[0] - Edge(color="white") - clients[1] -Edge(color="white") - clients[2]

for index in range(len(clients)):
    clients[index] >> Edge(style="bold") >> server[0]

server[0] << Edge(style="bold", minlen="2") >> db
# server[0] >> Edge(style="bold") >> data[1]
# server[0] >> Edge(label="Application Backup",style="bold") >> data[0]
server[0] >> Edge(xlabel="  \n Application \n Backup", style="bold") >> data[0]
server[0] >> Edge(xlabel="\nApplication\n Backup", style="bold") >> data[1]

db >> Edge(label="\nDB Backup", style="bold") >> data[1]
clayms commented 2 years ago

If your ok with the db at the same level as the application server, then the example below should will work. Otherwise, you'll have to add blank Node(shape="plaintext") spacers to "push" the db down .

Other notes:

with Diagram("Network Architecture\n\n", show=False, graph_attr= main_cluster):
    with Cluster("Storage Backup\nLayer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
        data = [Rack("Backup\nServer") for i in range(1,3)]

    with Cluster("",graph_attr=temp_cluster):
        with Cluster("Application Layer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
            server = Rack("\nApplication\n Server")

        with Cluster("Database Layer",graph_attr=common_cluster):
            db = Rack("Database\nServer")

    with Cluster("  Presentation Layer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
        clients = [Client("Client") for i in range(3)]

    clients >> Edge(style="bold") >> server
    clients - Edge(penwidth="0") - db
    server << Edge(style="bold", minlen="0", tailport="s", headport="n") >> db
    server >> Edge(xlabel="Application \n Backup", style="bold", tailport="e", headport="w") >> data[0]
    server >> Edge(xlabel="Application\n Backup", style="bold", tailport="e", headport="nw") >> data[1]

    db >> Edge(label="\nDB Backup", style="bold") >> data[1]


Goutham10 commented 2 years ago

@https://github.com/clayms thank you so much for your efforts towards the issue. But i managed to do it as per my requirement. This might help someone



from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster, Edge, Node from diagrams.custom import Custom

common_cluster ={ "bgcolor":"white", "fontsize" : "20", "pencolor" : "brown", "penwidth" : "1", "orientation" : "portrait" }

temp_cluster = { "pencolor" : "brown", "penwidth" : "0", "bgcolor" : "white", }

main_cluster ={ "labelloc" : "t", "fontsize" : "28", "splines" : "spline" }

with Diagram("Network Architecture", show=False, graph_attr= main_cluster):

with Cluster("", graph_attr=temp_cluster):

    with Cluster("Storage Backup 2", graph_attr=common_cluster):
        data_1 = Custom("Backup Server 2", "./images/DB_replicate_1.png")

    with Cluster("Storage Backup 1",graph_attr=common_cluster):
        data_2 = Custom("Backup Server 1","./images/DB_replicate_2.png")

with Cluster("",graph_attr=temp_cluster):

    with Cluster("  Application Layer \n ", graph_attr=common_cluster):
        server = [Custom("Application\n Server\n\n", "./images/Server.png")]

    with Cluster("  Database Layer",graph_attr=common_cluster):
        db = Custom("\nDatabase\nServer\n\n", "./images/Database.jpg")

with Cluster("  Presentation Layer", graph_attr=common_cluster):
    clients = [Custom("Client","./images/Client.png") for i in range(3)]

# Connections

for index in range(len(clients)):
    clients[index] >> Edge(style="bold") >> server[0]

server[0] << Edge(style="bold", minlen="2") >> db
server[0] >> Edge(xlabel="  Application \n Backup", style="bold") >> data_1
server[0] >> Edge(xlabel="\nApplication\n Backup", style="bold") >> data_2

db >> Edge(label="\nDB Backup", style="bold") >> data_1
db >> Edge(label="\nDB Backup", style="bold") >> data_2
clayms commented 2 years ago

Looks like you knew the solution before you asked.

Goutham10 commented 2 years ago

@clayms actually i figured it out in few hours after posting the question.

can you please help me with a small random design which has graph_attr, edge_attr, node_attr used in it

RyanMillerC commented 2 years ago

@Goutham10 Answered your question in #701