mingukkang / ENAS-Tensorflow

Efficient Neural Architecture search via parameter sharing(ENAS) micro search Tensorflow code for windows user
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Explained Section 1. Controller #7

Open MoHawastaken opened 4 years ago

MoHawastaken commented 4 years ago

Hey :) The figures in section Explained: 1. Controller raise some questions: I can't find an explanation what the inputs of the LSTM cells should be. You use g_emb, Anchors and w_emb. Which values do these variables have and why do you alternate them?

Why do you run seperate LSTM cells just to fill anchors instead of reusing the hidden states next_h, when determining index and operation?

Why does b_soft have dimension [64,5] and b_soft_no_learn dimension [64,1], and if they are not bias vectors, which role do they play?