Open ezzinekaemel opened 1 year ago
Have you paired the controller through Windows settings?
There's a crash on this line:
returns null:
The returned BluetoothLEDevice is set to null if FromBluetoothAddressAsync can't find the device identified by bluetoothAddress. Specifically, if the device isn't paired and it isn't found in the system cache.
I tried to add a BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher
as suggested but I'm not familiar with C# or GUI programming in general and couldn't get past the "A method was called at an unexpected time" InvalidOperationException. Pairing from Windows settings worked around the issue.
Let me first hand you praise for developing this in the first place. There were words of a french person attempting this about 5 years ago and I since wished to use the controller as a mouse. Check back in 2023 and there a working way.
Well Windows 10. Dependencies installed. Mac Address put in and when I click connect it waits 2 seconds and crashes. Running as Admin same.
Please help! I really have been waiting years for this !