minhe7735 / GearVR-Controller-WIndows

GearVR-Controller on windows with remap capabilities.
MIT License
26 stars 5 forks source link

Dependencies installed. Mac Address added. Crashing on Launch. #14

Open ezzinekaemel opened 1 year ago

ezzinekaemel commented 1 year ago

Let me first hand you praise for developing this in the first place. There were words of a french person attempting this about 5 years ago and I since wished to use the controller as a mouse. Check back in 2023 and there a working way.

Well Windows 10. Dependencies installed. Mac Address put in and when I click connect it waits 2 seconds and crashes. Running as Admin same.

Please help! I really have been waiting years for this !

dkao commented 1 year ago

Have you paired the controller through Windows settings? There's a crash on this line: https://github.com/minhe7735/GearVR-Controller-WIndows/blob/0ef05797f62f5e377362f7105a61095950e30e1c/GearVR%20Controller/MainProgram.cs#L619 FromBluetoothAddressAsync returns null:

The returned BluetoothLEDevice is set to null if FromBluetoothAddressAsync can't find the device identified by bluetoothAddress. Specifically, if the device isn't paired and it isn't found in the system cache.

I tried to add a BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher as suggested but I'm not familiar with C# or GUI programming in general and couldn't get past the "A method was called at an unexpected time" InvalidOperationException. Pairing from Windows settings worked around the issue.