miniZ-miner / miniZ

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FLUX MinerPool + ZIL shardPool Hive OS #15

Open Strunczez opened 1 year ago

Strunczez commented 1 year ago

HIVE OS, Shares (or miner) not seen on pool Cfg: --worker=Miner002 --extra --dag-cache 1 --pers auto

Tried also: --extra --dag-cache 1 --pers auto

Shares submitted on miner side, but worker not seen on shardpool. Don't know is shares are counted (paid) because I have another rigs there. Looks like worker name is not submitted as it should be submitted. (Miner002) Once I managed to see worker named as "default_name", but it should be Miner002


Strunczez commented 1 year ago

Update, with such config: miniZ.exe --user=ZILADDRESS --worker=KillerPC --server=zmp+tcp:// --extra --dag-cache 1


miniZ.exe --extra --dag-cache 1 --worker=KillerPC

Worker is seen as: image

Any other combination without switch "worker=KillerPC": -Miner submits shares -Shares not seen on pool (probably lost)

Strunczez commented 1 year ago

Update: Switched to crazypool, miners are seen here, but reported hashrate is in H/s instead of Mh/s. 3 marked miners on pool are MiniZ, other are Rigel Miner maybe that's why they were not seen in shardpool. 1st miner is 1080Ti alone 2nd miner is 4x 1080Ti + 8x 6600XT (AMD + NVIDIA) last one is 6x 6600XT
