minicomp / ed

A Jekyll theme for minimal editions :book:
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Title link shifted in Chrome #4

Open fn-ix opened 5 years ago

fn-ix commented 5 years ago


When hovering the main title in Chrome, the link area, which turns the title to a link when hovered, seems to be shifted a few pixels above the text: ed-1 ed-2

Curiously, I don't experience this behaviour in Firefox, and the masthead CSS seems fine to me.

karlstolley commented 5 years ago

I'm not seeing this in Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) on MacOS. @hfel -- are you still seeing this? And if so, can you give build/OS details? Thanks!

fn-ix commented 5 years ago

Yeah. It seems the inactive area has shifted downwards, but there is still some space: edms

On Firefox: edmsff

Using Chromium Version 71.0.3578.98 on Manjaro KDE 18.0.2.

karlstolley commented 5 years ago

Okay--I think I see what you mean now. Looks to be a Chrome issue for how it draws clickable areas on text. But I'm keeping this issue open to see how this can be improved in future versions of ed (likely by increasing the clickable area to the entire masthead, or at the very least displaying the <a> tag as a block or inline block.

fn-ix commented 5 years ago

I tried the suggested display properties but they didn't have any effect for me, however I was tinkering around and setting the position as anything other than static seems to have fixed it, or at least it behaves the same way now in Chrome as in Firefox. I'm not sure why exactly though.

karlstolley commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that's really odd. I need to study other positioning things that might be in play, because the implicit position: static should produce just a vanilla block-formatting context on its own. Setting something like position: relative does, as you say, seem to improve matters—but I'd rather avoid doing hacky little things like that and instead rebuild this to behave properly.