miniflux / v2

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Docker - server stops responding when accessing UI or API after a while, but shows no errors in the logs #2676

Open ad-on-is opened 3 weeks ago

ad-on-is commented 3 weeks ago

I'm experiencing a strange issue, where the server would stop working, and I'd have to restart it manually to get it working again.

It's sporadic, and I cannot pinpoint the issue. The only lines I see in the log files are a bunch of those

level=INFO msg="[API] User authenticated successfully with the Basic HTTP Authentication" authentication_successful=true client_ip=xxxx user_agent="Dart/3.4 (dart:io)" username=xxxx

I've switched to log level debug to see what other messages appear when it crashes.

fguillot commented 3 weeks ago

It's gonna be tough to figure out what's going on with so little information. Enable Miniflux debug logs, check your Docker logs, etc... are you sure the problem is coming from Miniflux?

ad-on-is commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah, I know its tough and no info at all... I thought maybe someone else is experiencing the same issue.

I have miniflux and postgres in the same compose file, and restarting miniflux makes it work again for a day or two. So, I guess it's coming from miniflux.

I'm gonna wait for it to crash again, and report back with more verbose debug logs.

jasonbraganza commented 3 weeks ago

i faced something similar, but not quite the same ages ago. i narrowed it down to needing Postgress to start before. so I just made sure it did, in the systemd script for Miniflux.

Description=Miniflux Service
Requires=postgresql.service postgresql.service

it may well not be the same problem. i just put this in here , in case it helps

ad-on-is commented 3 weeks ago

@jasonbraganza Thx for the input, but I'm running both services in docker containers, and they are both up and running. It's just occasionally, that miniflux keeps loading when trying to reach the UI or API.