miniflux / v2

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Scraper rules don't work with #2688

Open advert665 opened 2 weeks ago

advert665 commented 2 weeks ago

The Guardian publishes summaries in thier rss feeds, so I want to use the scraper rules to load the full content from the corresponding webpage. However, when I use a selector that corresponds to the desired content on the webpage it won't load.

For instance, using div#maincontent or p.dcr-iy9ec7, fails to change the resulting article in miniflux for the following feed, even though they select elements in the linked pages:

Similarly, using picture to extract the cartoons from (with or without the add_dynamic_image rule), fails to load anything in miniflux.

Other RSS apps like Lire are able to load the full articles so it's not a Guardian issue specifically. Am I doing something wrong or is this a Miniflux limitation? Thanks!

Screenshot 2024-06-11 102143