We're adding the concept of webhooks into the mix, now if you want to be notified of a new client or new operator, or new client message you can register a webhook and the daemon will attempt to hit the endpoint similar to how Stripe's webhook functionality works.
There currently is no notification system that allows for someone to be notified when the operator app is not open of incoming messages, webhooks solves this without having to build a direct notification system by integrating into whatever folks already use for mail.
New Webhook and Event protocol buffer objects defined
Moved files/folders to update with how Golang typically has them
Fixed the linting make commant, added comments and fixed a great many linting errors in the process
Coverage remained the same at ?% when pulling f59aba6bfcb7a91d734d3942c381bb2dc2fa3efb on feature/webhooks into b2db56c1d5411cbfb85d1c6b75d34e94e71e355c on master.
We're adding the concept of webhooks into the mix, now if you want to be notified of a new client or new operator, or new client message you can register a webhook and the daemon will attempt to hit the endpoint similar to how Stripe's webhook functionality works.
There currently is no notification system that allows for someone to be notified when the operator app is not open of incoming messages, webhooks solves this without having to build a direct notification system by integrating into whatever folks already use for mail.