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DS&A - 2. Data Structures - Lesson 1. Implement a Linked List #5

Open minimanimoh opened 3 years ago

minimanimoh commented 3 years ago

Implementing a simple linked list Now that we've talked about the abstract characteristics that we want our linked list to have, let's look at how we might implement one in Python.

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value = None

head = Node(2)
new_node = Node(1) = new_node


Once you've seen the walkthrough, give it a try for yourself:

Create a Node class with value and next attributes Use the class to create the head node with the value 2 Create and link a second node containing the value 1 Try printing the values (1 and 2) on the nodes you created (to make sure that you can access them!)

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value = None
head = Node(2) = Node(1) = Node(4) = Node(3) = Node(5)

Traversing the list OK, great! We successfully created a simple linked list. But printing all the values like we did above was pretty tedious. What if we had a list with 1,000 nodes?

Let's see how we might traverse the list and print all the values, no matter how long it might be.

def print_linked_list(head):
    current_node = head

    while current_node is not None:
        current_node =


Creating a linked list using iteration Previously, we created a linked list using a very manual and tedious method. We called next multiple times on our head node.

Now that we know about iterating over or traversing the linked list, is there a way we can use that to create a linked list?

We've provided our solution below—but it might be a good exercise to see what you can come up with first. Here's the goal:

See if you can write the code for the create_linked_list function below The function should take a Python list of values as input and return the head of a linked list that has those values There's some test code, and also a solution, below—give it a try for yourself first, but don't hesitate to look over the solution if you get stuck

def create_linked_list(input_list):
    head = None
    for value in input_list:
        if head is None:
            head = Node(value)    
        # Move to the tail (the last node)
            current_node = head
                current_node =

   = Node(value)
    return head

A more efficient solution The above solution works, but it has some shortcomings. In this next walkthrough, we'll demonstrate a different approach and see how its efficiency compares to the solution above.

def create_linked_list_better(input_list):
    head = None
    tail = None

    for value in input_list:

        if head is None:
            head = Node(value)
            tail = head # when we only have 1 node, head and tail refer to the same node
   = Node(value) # attach the new node to the `next` of tail
            tail = # update the tail

    return head