minimaxir / simpleaichat

Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.
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Continuing conversation with context from AIChat output_schema #79

Open rasmi opened 1 year ago

rasmi commented 1 year ago

In OpenAI's official docs on function calling, they give a pattern of:

  1. Call the model
  2. Get function parameters as structured data
  3. Call function
  4. Call the model again, this time including context from the function call, to get a natural language response.

With simpleaichat's AIChat class, I am doing something that looks like:

  1. Call the model
  2. Get structured data out using output_schema

At this point, I would like to call the model again as in Step 4 above, except with the structured data from AIChat's output_schema as context, in order to produce a natural language response.


  1. Call the model
  2. Get structured data out using output_schema
  3. ???
  4. Call the model again, this time including structured data from Step 2 as context, to get a natural language response.

Is the preferred/recommended way to do this to using the AIChat class? Ideally I could do this in the very same conversation/instance rather than create a new conversation/instance to handle context.

In the OpenAI example, they do the following:

        # Step 4: send the info on the function call and function response to GPT
        messages.append(response_message)  # extend conversation with assistant's reply
                "role": "function",
                "name": function_name,
                "content": function_response,
        )  # extend conversation with function response
        second_response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        )  # get a new response from GPT where it can see the function response
        return second_response

Is it recommended to (for example) send a message to the model using the function role, even if no such functions were defined? In this case, I'm effectively using the AIChat instance itself with output_schema as a function. I would just like to get a natural language response in addition to the structured output_schema response.

pyrotank41 commented 1 year ago

how abot you use AIChat without the output_schema as the input to the function call?

rasmi commented 1 year ago

I think the underlying goal here is to have one chat session that exclusively consists of natural language inputs and outputs in its history, but still be able produce structured input/output "under the hood" for any given message.

As an example:

This is reminiscent of what gen_with_tools does, except rather than have the library manage the use of tools, I would like it to run a specific set of functions every time and return structured context outputs for each user message, then unstructured Assistant outputs using the structured context from the functions (like a "hook").

The approached used in gen_with_tools is to make one call to extract the structured output (and call the tool), then update the system prompt to force use of the new context, then make a second call that includes the context alongside the original prompt to produce a response (with save_messages=False). It seems this is a valid approach -- just adding "Context: <context> , User: <original prompt>" as the user prompt in a second call to the model. I suppose I could do this manually as in gen_with_tools, but having a simpler way to do this directly in AIChat would be helpful.

Maybe something like this would suffice for now (non-functional code, just sketching it out):

assistant = simpleaichat.AIChat(...)
prompt = <user input>
# Initial model call to get structured output/context
context = assistant(prompt, output_schema=..., save_messages=False)
# <call other functions to act on context>

# Create natural language response including context
prompt_with_context = f"Context: {context}\n\nUser: {prompt}"
response = assistant(prompt_with_context, save_messages=False)

# Save original message and final response
user_message = ChatMessage(role="user", content=prompt)
assistant_message = ChatMessage(role="assistant", content=response)
assistant.get_session().add_messages(user_message, assistant_message)