minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
80 stars 50 forks source link

Log test results one json object per test #123

Closed krisis closed 7 years ago

krisis commented 7 years ago

Based on the following spec,

  "name":"mc",                                                     // SDK Name
  "function":"makeBucket(String bucketName)",                      // API name
  "args":"",                                                       // key value map, varName:value. Only arguements that devs may be interested in
  "duration":"15",                                                 // duration of the whole test in milli seconds
  "status":"PASS",                                                 // can be PASS, FAIL, NA
  "alert":"Information like whether this is a Blocker/ Gateway, Server etc can go here",
  "message":" descriptive error message"                           // error related, human readable  message. Should be taken care of if present
  "error":"stack-trace/exception message(only in case of failure)" // actual low level exception/error thrown by the program

Fixes #112

nitisht commented 7 years ago

ms can be removed from the duration section, unit is implicit.

Current output:

  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "getBucketLocation ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413"
  "duration": "5ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "listBuckets ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": [],
  "duration": "8ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "listObjects ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "47ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "listMultipartUploads ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "159ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "headBucket ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": [
  "duration": "11ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "headObject ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413": "obj1",
    "aws-sdk-php-bucket-10432": "obj2"
  "duration": "5ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "getObject ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "11ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "copyObject ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "13ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "deleteObjects (array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "23ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "anonDeleteObjects ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "34ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "createMultipartUpload ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "259ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "uploadPart ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "154ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "abortMultipartupload ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-20413",
    "Object": "obj1"
  "duration": "32ms",
  "status": "PASS"
  "name": "aws-sdk-php",
  "function": "getBucketPolicy ( array $params = [] )",
  "args": {
    "Bucket": "aws-sdk-php-bucket-42310"
  "duration": "57ms",
  "status": "PASS"