minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
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s3cmd fails on gcs gateway #201

Closed balamurugana closed 6 years ago

balamurugana commented 6 years ago

Below is an error

Running s3cmd tests ... FAILED in 9 seconds
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 101

Error in /mint/log/s3cmd/error.log

WARNING: !!!!!!! Support for python3 is currently in a 'Work In Progress' state.
Please don't use s3cmd with python3 on production tasks or with sensitive data as unexpected behaviors could occur !!!!!!!
WARNING: !!!!!!! Support for python3 is currently in a 'Work In Progress' state.
Please don't use s3cmd with python3 on production tasks or with sensitive data as unexpected behaviors could occur !!!!!!!
WARNING: !!!!!!! Support for python3 is currently in a 'Work In Progress' state.
Please don't use s3cmd with python3 on production tasks or with sensitive data as unexpected behaviors could occur !!!!!!!
ERROR: Parameter problem: Bucket name 'S3CMD-test%bucket%31885' contains disallowed character '%'. The only supported ones are: us-ascii letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), dot (.), hyphen (-) and underscore (_).
WARNING: !!!!!!! Support for python3 is currently in a 'Work In Progress' state.
Please don't use s3cmd with python3 on production tasks or with sensitive data as unexpected behaviors could occur !!!!!!!
WARNING: !!!!!!! Support for python3 is currently in a 'Work In Progress' state.
Please don't use s3cmd with python3 on production tasks or with sensitive data as unexpected behaviors could occur !!!!!!!
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Retrying upload of /mint/data/datafile-1-MB
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Retrying upload of /mint/data/datafile-1-MB
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Retrying upload of /mint/data/datafile-1-MB
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Retrying upload of /mint/data/datafile-1-MB
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Retrying upload of /mint/data/datafile-1-MB
WARNING: MD5 Sums don't match!
WARNING: Too many failures. Giving up on '/mint/data/datafile-1-MB'
ERROR: Upload of '/mint/data/datafile-1-MB' failed too many times (Last reason: )