minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
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aws-sdk-go: Bucket creation and server HTTPS endpoint setting is missing in PresignedPut test. #228

Closed ebozduman closed 6 years ago

ebozduman commented 6 years ago
  1. Bucket creation and clean-up (deletion) in the PresignedPut test run is missing.
  2. sdkEndpoint setting is missing the host info when secure option is turned on (environment variable ENABLE_HTTPS = 1)
    endpoint := os.Getenv("SERVER_ENDPOINT")
    accessKey := os.Getenv("ACCESS_KEY")
    secretKey := os.Getenv("SECRET_KEY")
    secure := os.Getenv("ENABLE_HTTPS")sdkEndpoint := "http://" + endpoint
    if secure == "1" {
    sdkEndpoint = "https://"