minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
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GCS Gateway: Minio-go functional tests fail #232

Closed kannappanr closed 6 years ago

kannappanr commented 6 years ago

Got three different failures on three different runs. Third one looks like a network failure, so can be overlooked.

{"alert":"","args":{"bucketName":"minio-go-testii2z246k9fmvzgq6j","objectName":"minio-go-testii2z246k9fmvzgq6junique","opts":"","size":-1},"duration":11143,"error":"The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID may be invalid, or the upload may have been aborted or completed.","function":"PutObject(bucketName, objectName, reader, size, opts)","message":"PutObjectWithSize failed","name":"minio-go","status":"fail"}
{"alert":"","args":{"bucketName":"minio-go-testxncqeootyomszgy3r","objectName":"minio-go-testxncqeootyomszgy3r-resumable"},"duration":1506,"error":"The bucket you tried to delete is not empty","function":"RemoveIncompleteUpload(bucketName, objectName)","message":"Cleanup failed","name":"minio-go","status":"fail"}
{"alert":"","args":{"bucketName":"minio-go-testlr0ekhywyuczsba6y","region":"eu-west-1"},"duration":30000,"error":"Put dial tcp i/o timeout","function":"MakeBucket(bucketName, region)","message":"MakeBucket failed","name":"minio-go","status":"fail"}
balamurugana commented 6 years ago

logs are utterly no useful. No information about where exactly failed in the functional test.

kannappanr commented 6 years ago

gcs_log.json.txt gcs_2_log.json.txt

@balamurugana The attached files are the complete log.json files that were generated as part of the mint run.

balamurugana commented 6 years ago

@kannappanr No. I see two functions testPutObjectNoLengthV2() and testPutObject0ByteV2(). Don't know which one failed.

kannappanr commented 6 years ago

@balamurugana The failure in the log gcs_log.json.txt happens in the function testPutObjectNoLengthV2. The failure in log gcs_2_log.json.txt happens in the function testRemovePartiallyUploaded.

ebozduman commented 6 years ago

PR#5217 is going to fix the second error message.

nitisht commented 6 years ago

GCS gateway now passes with mint, so closing this issue