minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
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minio-py fails sporadically on minio azure #255

Closed harshavardhana closed 6 years ago

harshavardhana commented 6 years ago
Running with
SERVER_ENDPOINT: minikube:31190
ACCESS_KEY:      minioazure1
SERVER_REGION:   us-east-1
MINT_DATA_DIR:   /mint/data
MINT_MODE:       core

To get logs, run 'docker cp e9713c370fc1:/mint/log /tmp/mint-logs'
(1/11) Running aws-sdk-go tests ... done in 3 seconds
(2/11) Running aws-sdk-php tests ... done in 2 minutes and 16 seconds
(3/11) Running aws-sdk-ruby tests ... done in 49 seconds
(4/11) Running awscli tests ... done in 7 minutes and 57 seconds
(5/11) Running mc tests ... done in 6 minutes and 36 seconds
(6/11) Running minio-dotnet tests ... done in 1 minutes and 23 seconds
(7/11) Running minio-go tests ... done in 2 seconds
(8/11) Running minio-java tests ... done in 37 seconds
(9/11) Running minio-js tests ... done in 2 minutes and 1 seconds
(10/11) Running minio-py tests ... FAILED in 58 seconds
  "status": "FAIL",
  "function": "list_incomplete_uploads(bucket_name, prefix, recursive)",
  "name": "minio-py:test_list_incomplete_uploads",
  "args": {
    "object_name": "b4a6dbac-f3c8-43a2-9ccc-bebad2c65fa4",
    "bucket_name": "minio-py-test-264e0c58-a394-4f9e-b608-d468604d42ba"
  "duration": 1236,
  "error": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/mint/run/core/minio-py/\", line 1127, in test_list_incomplete_uploads\n    raise ValueError(\"Listed upload ids do not match the created ids\")\nValueError: Listed upload ids do not match the created ids\n\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/mint/run/core/minio-py/\", line 1807, in main\n    test_list_incomplete_uploads(client, log_output)\n  File \"/mint/run/core/minio-py/\", line 1129, in test_list_incomplete_uploads\n    raise Exception(err)\nException: Listed upload ids do not match the created ids\n",
  "message": "Listed upload ids do not match the created ids"

Executed 9 out of 11 tests successfully.
kannappanr commented 6 years ago

This seems to be happening with all PRs.

ebozduman commented 6 years ago

The reason for list_incomplete_uploads command test to fail on azure gateway mode is because azure gateway implemented this command to return an empty list by design. The returned empty list does not match the expected list of incomplete upload ids created by the test, hence causing the test failure.

Per @harshavardhana , list_incomplete_uploads command only exists for clean-up purposes, however we also automatically clean up the incomplete uploads periodically. That's why the list_incomplete_uploads command can be considered as deprecated and probably needs to be removed in near future.

As a result, this test is determined to be not adding any value to our testing due to the above design reasons and the way we handle incomplete uploads. Final recommendation and decision is to remove this test from minio-py mint testing as it will be deprecated and removed soon.

Also, copy_object_etag_match test needs a fix to pass gateway-azure full test.