minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
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Avoid running encryption tests when HTTPS is not enabled #266

Closed vadmeste closed 6 years ago

vadmeste commented 6 years ago

mint will fail when Minio server doesn't have a TLS certificate, currently minio-go says it needs a https connection to test encryption and fails.

It would be useful to have this feature, otherwise a user (me!) will be struggling in inserting a TLS certificate in Docker container

harshavardhana commented 6 years ago

minio-go encryption tests never run when ENABLE_HTTPS=0 is enabled are you not setting that? @vadmeste

harshavardhana commented 6 years ago

Its mentioned here

vadmeste commented 6 years ago

yeah.. I was testing using mint:latest and not mint:edge. Checked with mint:edge, closing this.