minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
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Test suite fails when running behind traefik using let's encrypt certificate #313

Closed zaibon closed 5 years ago

zaibon commented 5 years ago

I've been working on a project where I implement the gateway interface of minio to reach my backend. To make sure I implemented everything properly I tried to run the mint test suite on my minio implementation.

I discovered some strange behaviors:

Here is the logs of mint when running against traefik with auto https:

To get logs, run 'docker cp 147658e966c9:/mint/log /tmp/mint-logs'
(1/13) Running aws-sdk-go tests ... FAILED in 0 seconds
  "alert": "",
  "args": {
    "bucketName": "aws-sdk-go-test-4oea0ftoysx5qy",
    "expiry": 60000000000,
    "objectName": "presignedTest"
  "duration": 347,
  "error": "AWS S3 error code mismatch",
  "function": "PresignedPut",
  "message": "AWS SDK Go presigned PUT expected to fail with XAmzContentSHA256Mismatch but got MissingContentLength",
  "name": "aws-sdk-go",
  "status": "FAIL"

Executed 0 out of 13 tests successfully.

What could be the reason of such a behavior ?

nitisht commented 5 years ago

we’ll take a look @zaibon

nitisht commented 5 years ago

@zaibon can you paste the command line you're using to start Mint, (ofcourse, remove any sensitive info)

zaibon commented 5 years ago

@nitisht docker run -e SERVER_ENDPOINT={url} -e ACCESS_KEY={key} -e SECRET_KEY={secret} -e ENABLE_HTTPS=1 minio/mint

nitisht commented 5 years ago

can you try docker run -e SERVER_ENDPOINT={url} -e ACCESS_KEY={key} -e SECRET_KEY={secret} -e ENABLE_HTTPS=1 minio/mint mc

zaibon commented 5 years ago

mc test works ok

(1/1) Running mc tests ... done in 3 minutes and 58 seconds

All tests ran successfully
nitisht commented 5 years ago

In that case, this looks like something to do with aws-sdk-go tests that we have. Can you try all other SDKs in mint,

docker run -e SERVER_ENDPOINT={url} -e ACCESS_KEY={key} -e SECRET_KEY={secret} -e ENABLE_HTTPS=1 minio/mint mc awscli aws-sdk-php aws-sdk-ruby aws-sdk-java minio-go minio-java minio-js minio-py minio-dotnet s3cmd

nitisht commented 5 years ago

@zaibon closing this due to no response, feel free to reopen when you have more info