minio / mint

Collection of tests to detect overall correctness of MinIO server.
Apache License 2.0
78 stars 50 forks source link

Enable for running with DNS based endpoints #379

Closed shtripat closed 2 months ago

shtripat commented 2 months ago

Now tests can be run by setting SERVER_ENDPOINT both with IP and DNS based addresses like and localhost:22000

Steps to verify the changes

Step-1: Do the below local changes

diff --git a/ b/
index 04f213b..3015714 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -165,6 +165,10 @@ function main() {
                run_list=("${run_list[@]}" "$TESTS_DIR/$sdk")

+       run_list=(/mint/run/core/aws-sdk-java-v2)
+       echo "RUN List ${run_list[*]}"
        for sdk_dir in "${run_list[@]}"; do
diff --git a/ b/
index 0268d71..424542f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ export WGET="wget --quiet --no-check-certificate"

-# install mint app packages
-for pkg in "$MINT_ROOT_DIR/build"/*/; do
-       echo "Running $pkg"
-       $pkg
+#for pkg in (); do
+#      echo "Running $pkg"
+#      $pkg


Step-2: Build the mint image using podman (as mint uses podman)

podman image prune && podman container prune  && podman build -t localhost/minio/mint . -f Dockerfile

Note down the built image id

Step-3: Start a local MinIO instance with TLS enabled

CI=true  MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minio123 minio server /tmp/site1{1...4}  --address ":22000" --console-address ":9021" --certs-dir ~/.minio/certs

Certs can be generated using certgen tool as below and copied to ~/.minio/certs

certgen --host "localhost,"

Step-4: Run the test both using IP and DNS name as below

podman run -e "SERVER_ENDPOINT=" -e "ACCESS_KEY=minio" -e "SECRET_KEY=minio123" -e "ENABLE_HTTPS=1" -e "ENABLE_VIRTUAL_STYLE=0" <Image ID>


podman run -e "SERVER_ENDPOINT=localhost:22000" --net=host -e "ACCESS_KEY=minio" -e "SECRET_KEY=minio123" -e "ENABLE_HTTPS=1" -e "ENABLE_VIRTUAL_STYLE=0" <Image ID>

The tests should run fine and report success respectively as below

Running with
ACCESS_KEY:           minio
SECRET_KEY:           ***REDACTED***
ENABLE_HTTPS:         1
SERVER_REGION:        us-east-1
MINT_DATA_DIR:        /mint/data
MINT_MODE:            core
RUN_ON_FAIL:          0

To get logs, run 'docker cp :/mint/log /tmp/mint-logs'

verify depth is 5
Can't use SSL_get_servername
depth=0 O = Certgen Development, OU = shubhendu@fedora-shubhendu (Shubhendu Ram Tripathi)
verify error:num=18:self-signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = Certgen Development, OU = shubhendu@fedora-shubhendu (Shubhendu Ram Tripathi)
verify return:1
renamed 'cert1.pem' -> '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cert1.pem'
rehash: warning: skipping ca-certificates.crt,it does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL
RUN List /mint/run/core/aws-sdk-java-v2
(1/1) Running aws-sdk-java-v2 tests ... done in 7 seconds

All tests ran successfully


Running with
SERVER_ENDPOINT:      localhost:22000
ACCESS_KEY:           minio
SECRET_KEY:           ***REDACTED***
ENABLE_HTTPS:         1
SERVER_REGION:        us-east-1
MINT_DATA_DIR:        /mint/data
MINT_MODE:            core
RUN_ON_FAIL:          0

To get logs, run 'docker cp :/mint/log /tmp/mint-logs'

verify depth is 5
Can't use SSL_get_servername
depth=0 O = Certgen Development, OU = shubhendu@fedora-shubhendu (Shubhendu Ram Tripathi)
verify error:num=18:self-signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 O = Certgen Development, OU = shubhendu@fedora-shubhendu (Shubhendu Ram Tripathi)
verify return:1
renamed 'cert1.pem' -> '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cert1.pem'
rehash: warning: skipping ca-certificates.crt,it does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL
RUN List /mint/run/core/aws-sdk-java-v2
(1/1) Running aws-sdk-java-v2 tests ... done in 4 seconds

All tests ran successfully