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Getting error on removing che addon #106

Closed coolbrg closed 6 years ago

coolbrg commented 6 years ago

We are getting following error in removing che addon:

$ minishift addons remove che
-- Removing addon 'che':
[CHE] Removing Che server Template.
[CHE] Removing mini-che project..error: unable to find target [developer]
Error removing the add-on: Error executing command 'oc adm policy remove-role-from-user system:image-builder developer -n openshift'.

Not sure what happened in recent time, but it was working fine before.

Also, it would be great if we have che integration test Then we can easily catch these sort of issue in nightly job


/cc @garagatyi, @l0rd @sunix

LalatenduMohanty commented 6 years ago

@budhrg How much time given between the apply command and remove command. Not sure if you had enabled it.

coolbrg commented 6 years ago

How much time given between the apply command and remove command. Not sure if you had enabled it.

10mins and tried with a little time gap in apply and remove.

coolbrg commented 6 years ago

Any update here @garagatyi, @l0rd @sunix ?

agajdosi commented 6 years ago

@budhrg, @LalatenduMohanty I have looked on this and found the oc command has problem listing roles:

[agajdosi@dhcp-24-156 minishift]$ oc adm policy remove-role-from-user system:image-builder developer -n openshift
Error from server (Forbidden): is forbidden: User "developer" cannot list in the namespace "openshift": User "developer" cannot list in project "openshift"

So I have added --as system:admin to see how that goes, but even that command failed:

[agajdosi@dhcp-24-156 minishift]$ oc adm policy remove-role-from-user system:image-builder developer -n openshift --as system:admin
error: unable to find target [developer]

Seems that user developer does not have that role assigned in namespace openshift, thus it cannot be removed. This is negative also from oc get rolebindings:

[agajdosi@dhcp-24-156 minishift]$ oc get rolebindings --as system:admin
NAME                      ROLE                               USERS     GROUPS                             SERVICE ACCOUNTS   SUBJECTS
shared-resource-viewers   openshift/shared-resource-viewer             system:authenticated                                  
system:deployers          /system:deployer                                                                deployer           
system:image-builders     /system:image-builder                                                           builder            
system:image-pullers      /system:image-puller                         system:serviceaccounts:openshift                  

Also since when the oc adm policy remove-role-from-user system:image-builder developer -n openshift command in remove was introduced I do not see any oc adm policy add-role-to-user which is done in openshift namespace.

The only role adding command in Che addon is done in mini-che namespace:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin developer -n #{NAMESPACE}

When I add the developer user to the role before addon removal, the removal goes well.

I thus believe the command oc adm policy remove-role-from-user system:image-builder developer -n openshift --as system:admin is extra here and could be removed. @garagatyi, @l0rd @sunix could you please confirm or give me a hint what I am missing? Would like to fix the issue.

EDIT: command might be needed for another version of Che, going to try. EDIT2: situation for Che 5 is the same, looks like no need for removal of role.

l0rd commented 6 years ago

123 should fix this issue

coolbrg commented 6 years ago

123 should fix this issue

Hoping @l0rd :crossed_fingers: