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No Istio sidecar injection #175

Open sl33kr opened 5 years ago

sl33kr commented 5 years ago

Running: Windows 10 - Hyper-V minishift v1.25.0+90fb23e openshift v3.10.0+456651d-57

After following the instructions and applying the add-on I noticed that sidecars aren't being automatically injected.

EDIT: Ok verified looking at the webhook config, this isn't required. First I discovered you still need to apply the istio-injection=true to the namespace your deploying into, even if you are using pod annotation. oc label namespace myproject istio-injection=enabled

Once I did this I started getting errors from the istio-sidecar-injector:

2018-10-16T23:16:43.786441Z error   Patch webhook failed: Get  dial tcp connect: connection refused

Is there some extra piece of config I have to set? If I hit the API server externally on the default 8443 install port that endpoint does respond, do I need to change the port internal to the cluster?

sl33kr commented 5 years ago

Most of the time the istio-sidecar-injector actually logs nothing?

Ganitagya commented 2 years ago

Hi @sl33kr, did you manage to get any resolution to this problem?

Hi @kameshsampath can you please help with this issue? When I deploy applications to the namespace with label as istio-injection=enabled, I dont see any sidecar proxy to be running in the pod. Am I missing any configuration?
