Closed coolbrg closed 7 years ago
@LalatenduMohanty Could you review PR?
@budhrg I am not able to install avocado framework on OS X. Looking in to the issue.
Lalatendus-MacBook-Pro:minishift-b2d-iso lmohanty$ pip install avocado-framework
Collecting avocado-framework
Using cached avocado-framework-42.0.tar.gz
Collecting stevedore (from avocado-framework)
Using cached stevedore-1.19.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting six>=1.9.0 (from stevedore->avocado-framework)
Using cached six-1.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting pbr>=1.8 (from stevedore->avocado-framework)
Using cached pbr-1.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: six, pbr, stevedore, avocado-framework
Found existing installation: six 1.4.1
DEPRECATION: Uninstalling a distutils installed project (six) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. This is due to the fact that uninstalling a distutils project will only partially uninstall the project.
Uninstalling six-1.4.1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/", line 215, in main
status =, args)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/commands/", line 342, in run
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/req/", line 778, in install
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/req/", line 754, in uninstall
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/req/", line 115, in remove
renames(path, new_path)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip-9.0.1-py2.7.egg/pip/utils/", line 267, in renames
shutil.move(old, new)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 302, in move
copy2(src, real_dst)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 131, in copy2
copystat(src, dst)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 103, in copystat
os.chflags(dst, st.st_flags)
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/var/folders/81/q3z841ds2yb7xblc91xww10m0000gn/T/pip-EXz0hj-uninstall/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/six-1.4.1-py2.7.egg-info'
I am not able to install avocado framework on OS X. Looking in to the issue.
Not me either. There are instructions missing. AFAIR, there were some customs steps needed for install Avocado on OS X. The QE had some info around that.
@LalatenduMohanty and even if you could install Avocado it would still not work for you, since other parts (docker-machine install) is Linux specific. So right now, tests will anyways only run on Linux. I am ok with that to move things along, but it should be fairly simple to get this to work on OS X as well. IMO, this could be done in a follow up issue. As long as it builds on CI I am fine for now
However, I had minishift smoke tests in mind, not docker-machine!
$ system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
System Software Overview:
System Version: macOS 10.12.1 (16B2657)
Kernel Version: Darwin 16.1.0
Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: David’s MacBook Pro
User Name: cdk qe team members (cdkqe)
Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
System Integrity Protection: Disabled
Time since boot: 31 days 15 minutes
Avocado 42 installed without any error
$ pip install avocado-framework
Collecting avocado-framework
Downloading avocado-framework-42.0.tar.gz (785kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 788kB 940kB/s
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): stevedore in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from avocado-framework)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.9.0 in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from stevedore->avocado-framework)
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pbr>=1.6 in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages (from stevedore->avocado-framework)
Building wheels for collected packages: avocado-framework
Running bdist_wheel for avocado-framework ... done
Stored in directory: /Users/cdkqe/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/78/b3/94/3c8f8f441a8ebc527a327ff0d7dbfa93126718abc52e4c9fa0
Successfully built avocado-framework
Installing collected packages: avocado-framework
Successfully installed avocado-framework-42.0
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
@hferentschik @LalatenduMohanty @praveenkumar Updated the PR for minishift only tests.
Also, enabled running tests with showing logs on choice.
Once, we are fine with these tests, I will same for centos too. It's almost the exact copy/PR.
is available with avocado)➜ minishift-b2d-iso git:(fix-5) ✗ make test
avocado run tests/
JOB ID : 01cd861849d2c032847621253f96be001e222af5
JOB LOG : /home/budhram/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-12T18.26-01cd861/job.log
(1/6) tests/ PASS (104.61 s)
(2/6) tests/ PASS (0.15 s)
(3/6) tests/ PASS (0.06 s)
(4/6) tests/ PASS (0.06 s)
(5/6) tests/ PASS (1.43 s)
(6/6) tests/ PASS (0.24 s)
TESTS TIME : 106.55 s
# With SHOW_LOG switch
➜ minishift-b2d-iso git:(fix-5) ✗ SHOW_LOG=--show-job-log make test
avocado run --show-job-log tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
Command line: /usr/bin/avocado run --show-job-log tests/
Avocado version: 44.0
Config files read (in order):
Avocado config:
Section.Key Value
datadir.paths.base_dir /usr/share/avocado
datadir.paths.test_dir /usr/share/avocado/tests
datadir.paths.data_dir /usr/share/avocado/data
datadir.paths.logs_dir ~/avocado/job-results
sysinfo.collect.enabled True
sysinfo.collect.installed_packages False
sysinfo.collect.profiler False
sysinfo.collect.locale C
sysinfo.collectibles.commands /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
sysinfo.collectibles.files /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
sysinfo.collectibles.profilers /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
runner.output.colored True
remoter.behavior.reject_unknown_hosts False
remoter.behavior.disable_known_hosts False
job.output.loglevel info
restclient.connection.hostname localhost
restclient.connection.port 9405
plugins.disable []
plugins.skip_broken_plugin_notification []
plugins.loaders ['file', '@DEFAULT']
gdb.paths.gdb /usr/bin/gdb
gdb.paths.gdbserver /usr/bin/gdbserver
Avocado Data Directories:
Avocado replaces config dirs that can't be accessed
with sensible defaults. Please edit your local config
file to customize values
base /home/budhram/avocado
tests /home/budhram/avocado/tests
data /home/budhram/avocado/data
logs /home/budhram/avocado/job-results
Temporary dir: /var/tmp/avocado_CuNnYs
Variant 1: /
Job ID: 34583f656c4b8c6e1988e62a2f5503a72c6f7864
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 1-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift start --vm-driver kvm --iso-url file:///home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/minishift-b2d.iso
PASS 1-tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 2-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift ssh exit
PASS 2-tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 3-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift ip
PASS 3-tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 4-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift docker-env
PASS 4-tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 5-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift stop
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift status
PASS 5-tests/
Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
Profiler disabled
System log file not found (looked for ['/var/log/messages', '/var/log/syslog', '/var/log/system.log'])
START 6-tests/
Avocado version : 44.0
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift delete
Executing command : /home/budhram/redhat/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/../build/bin/minishift status
PASS 6-tests/
Test results available in /home/budhram/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-12T18.28-34583f6
Created the follow up issue to add support for Mac and Windows OS
Updated to fetch latest minishift version while downloading it.
@budhrg You need to decide whether you want this to just work for Linux now and CentOS CI and create a follow up issue or whether you want it to work for at least Linux + OS X now.
@hferentschik I have already created the follow up issue #20
Something seems wrong to me. Check below result
$ make clean
rm -rf /home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/build
rm -f /home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/iso/os-release
[prkumar@cdk-prkumarws minishift-b2d-iso]$ make test
Downloading latest minishift binary...
######################################################################## 100.0%
avocado run tests/
JOB ID : 72d31cec8472f775b861e9e772b729104595dad3
JOB LOG : /home/prkumar/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-13T18.10-72d31ce/job.log
(1/6) tests/ SKIP
(2/6) tests/ SKIP
(3/6) tests/ SKIP
(4/6) tests/ SKIP
(5/6) tests/ SKIP
(6/6) tests/ SKIP
TESTS TIME : 0.01 s
$ cat /home/prkumar/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-13T18.10-72d31ce/job.log
2017-01-13 18:10:07,424 extension L0156 DEBUG| found extension EntryPoint.parse('journal = avocado.plugins.journal:JournalResult')
2017-01-13 18:10:07,424 extension L0156 DEBUG| found extension EntryPoint.parse('tap = avocado.plugins.tap:TAPResult')
2017-01-13 18:10:07,424 extension L0156 DEBUG| found extension EntryPoint.parse('human = avocado.plugins.human:Human')
2017-01-13 18:10:07,427 extension L0156 DEBUG| found extension EntryPoint.parse('jobscripts = avocado.plugins.jobscripts:JobScripts')
2017-01-13 18:10:07,428 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:07,428 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:07,428 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:07,428 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:08,105 job L0300 INFO | Command line: /usr/bin/avocado run tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,105 job L0301 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,105 job L0306 INFO | Avocado version: 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0318 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0323 INFO | Config files read (in order):
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0325 INFO | /etc/avocado/avocado.conf
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0325 INFO | /etc/avocado/conf.d/gdb.conf
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0330 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,106 job L0332 INFO | Avocado config:
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | Section.Key Value
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | datadir.paths.base_dir /usr/share/avocado
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | datadir.paths.test_dir /usr/share/avocado/tests
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | datadir.paths.data_dir /usr/share/avocado/data
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | datadir.paths.logs_dir ~/avocado/job-results
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collect.enabled True
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collect.installed_packages False
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collect.profiler False
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collect.locale C
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collectibles.commands /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collectibles.files /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | sysinfo.collectibles.profilers /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | runner.output.colored True
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | runner.output.utf8
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | runner.behavior.keep_tmp_files False
2017-01-13 18:10:08,107 job L0341 INFO | remoter.behavior.reject_unknown_hosts False
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | remoter.behavior.disable_known_hosts False
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | job.output.loglevel debug
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | restclient.connection.hostname localhost
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | restclient.connection.port 9405
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | restclient.connection.username
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | restclient.connection.password
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | plugins.disable []
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | plugins.skip_broken_plugin_notification []
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | plugins.loaders ['file', '@DEFAULT']
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | gdb.paths.gdb /usr/bin/gdb
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0341 INFO | gdb.paths.gdbserver /usr/bin/gdbserver
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0342 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0347 INFO | Avocado Data Directories:
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0348 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0349 INFO | Avocado replaces config dirs that can't be accessed
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0350 INFO | with sensible defaults. Please edit your local config
2017-01-13 18:10:08,108 job L0351 INFO | file to customize values
2017-01-13 18:10:08,109 job L0352 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,111 job L0353 INFO | base /home/prkumar/avocado
2017-01-13 18:10:08,111 job L0354 INFO | tests /home/prkumar/avocado/tests
2017-01-13 18:10:08,112 job L0355 INFO | data /home/prkumar/avocado/data
2017-01-13 18:10:08,112 job L0356 INFO | logs /home/prkumar/avocado/job-results
2017-01-13 18:10:08,112 job L0357 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0371 INFO | Temporary dir: /var/tmp/avocado_wOUEbA
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0372 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0379 INFO | Variant 1: /
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0382 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0291 INFO | Job ID: 72d31cec8472f775b861e9e772b729104595dad3
2017-01-13 18:10:08,114 job L0294 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,177 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,280 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /proc/pci (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,307 sysinfo L0105 DEBUG| Not logging /proc/slabinfo (lack of permissions)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,318 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,449 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:08,450 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:08,450 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:08,450 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:08,458 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:08,458 test L0217 INFO | START 1-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,720 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,720 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:08,720 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,720 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,720 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 1-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,721 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,763 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:08,763 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:08,764 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:08,764 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:08,771 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:08,771 test L0217 INFO | START 2-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,811 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,811 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:08,811 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,811 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,811 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,812 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 2-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,813 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,854 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:08,854 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:08,855 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:08,855 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:08,862 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:08,862 test L0217 INFO | START 3-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,896 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:08,897 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 3-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,898 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:08,934 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:08,934 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:08,934 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:08,935 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:08,941 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:08,942 test L0217 INFO | START 4-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,982 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,982 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:08,982 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:08,983 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:08,984 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,984 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:08,984 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 4-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:08,984 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:09,036 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:09,036 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:09,036 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:09,036 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:09,044 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:09,044 test L0217 INFO | START 5-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:09,085 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:09,085 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:09,085 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:09,086 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,087 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:09,087 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:09,087 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 5-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:09,087 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:09,128 sysinfo L0388 INFO | Commands configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
2017-01-13 18:10:09,129 sysinfo L0399 INFO | Files configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
2017-01-13 18:10:09,129 sysinfo L0419 INFO | Profilers configured by file: /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
2017-01-13 18:10:09,129 sysinfo L0427 INFO | Profiler disabled
2017-01-13 18:10:09,136 multiplexer L0168 DEBUG| PARAMS (key=timeout, path=*, default=None) => None
2017-01-13 18:10:09,136 test L0217 INFO | START 6-tests/
2017-01-13 18:10:09,189 test L0017 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:09,189 test L0018 INFO | Avocado version : 43.0
2017-01-13 18:10:09,190 test L0019 INFO | ################################################################
2017-01-13 18:10:09,190 stacktrace L0038 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:09,190 stacktrace L0041 ERROR| Reproduced traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/
2017-01-13 18:10:09,190 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-13 18:10:09,190 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/home/prkumar/github/minishift-b2d-iso/tests/", line 30, in setUp
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| self.skip("Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.")
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/", line 638, in skip
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| raise exceptions.TestSkipError(message)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 stacktrace L0044 ERROR| TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 stacktrace L0045 ERROR|
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 test L0593 ERROR| SKIP 6-tests/ -> TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
2017-01-13 18:10:09,191 test L0580 INFO |
2017-01-13 18:10:09,254 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,271 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /proc/pci (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,279 sysinfo L0105 DEBUG| Not logging /proc/slabinfo (lack of permissions)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,284 sysinfo L0107 DEBUG| Not logging /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features (file does not exist)
2017-01-13 18:10:09,317 job L0457 INFO | Test results available in /home/prkumar/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-13T18.10-72d31ce
@praveenkumar , It seems you missed on step here before running make test
You need to run make iso
before make test
. The tests assume that ISO is already available.
See the error below at the end of logs.
TestSkipError: Skipping testing as no ISO found in 'build' directory.
retest this please
retest this please
retest this please
Tested and worked as expected :+1:
$ make test
Downloading latest minishift binary...
######################################################################## 100.0%
avocado run tests/
JOB ID : 27c99a0025c7c1b81c95b20821a8666b54a32da1
JOB LOG : /home/prkumar/avocado/job-results/job-2017-01-17T10.47-27c99a0/job.log
(1/6) tests/ PASS (102.61 s)
(2/6) tests/ PASS (0.16 s)
(3/6) tests/ PASS (0.06 s)
(4/6) tests/ PASS (0.07 s)
(5/6) tests/ PASS (1.44 s)
(6/6) tests/ PASS (0.27 s)
TESTS TIME : 104.61 s
retest this please
retest this please
retest this please
@hferentschik Tests are passing in ci.centos and ready to merge now.
Once, it is merged will put similar tests for centos-iso repo here
So what is the reply to this? For now only CentOS and Linux, right?
Yes @hferentschik
I still cannot see which targets would clean the BIN_DIR and hence minishift. It is part of the test install, so there should be a way to clean it as well.
I have added BIN_DIR as part of BUILD_DIR which is being cleaned via clean
target. Since iso is also part of build dir, make clean will clean BUILD_DIR and hence BIN_DIR
I have added BIN_DIR as part of BUILD_DIR which is being cleaned via clean target. Since iso is also part of build dir, make clean will clean BUILD_DIR and hence BIN_DIR
Got you. +1
Merged, thanks
Fix #5
Should need changes from PR #13