minism / SublimeLove

LÖVE support for SublimeText2
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Syntax Highlighting improvements and web scraping #3

Closed cybojanek closed 10 years ago

cybojanek commented 11 years ago

I tried using snippets for multi-argument type completion, but snippets fail on periods.

The GLSL highlighting isn't perfect. (something goes wrong inside the function) You can see an example here:

hellozimi commented 11 years ago

This is awesome! Hoping for a merge.

minism commented 10 years ago

Wow, this is great! Thanks for your work

cybojanek commented 10 years ago

By accident, there are a few API calls missing from the api.txt file I'm working on a new scraper, which will take in an API version, so it will correctly select all functions/callbacks/arguments according to when they were added/removed. Take a peek here: