ministryofjustice / analytical-platform

Analytical Platform • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform
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🔱 SPIKE Implement a form in AP UI to manage database access projects #4621

Open michaeljcollinsuk opened 3 weeks ago

michaeljcollinsuk commented 3 weeks ago

User Story

As a data engineer I want to manage database access projects via the AP UI So that we do not need to maintain the access via GitHub

Value / Purpose

We are investigating alternative ways of allowing data engineers to manage database access projects

Useful Contacts

No response

User Types

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No response


Replicate the functionality that is currently managed via GitHub within the AP UI.

This will mean storing details of projects in the UI database. We can then use these stored projects to grant/manage permissions to the required resources (databases/tables).

This initial POC will focus on creating projects in the UI, rather than implementing the API calls to grant access

Additional Information

No response

Definition of Done

michaeljcollinsuk commented 3 weeks ago

DB diagram implemented;er#G1pKmReLN8FCS8qaI-J0fDNtZIUysJ2BeQ#%7B%22pageId%22%3A%22R2lEEEUBdFMjLlhIrx00%22%7D

Draft PR open with initial work on the models