As a AP user
I want to know the details of upcoming NGINX releases and when they have been completed
So that I am aware of any changes that may impact on my work and have time to raise any questions
Value / Purpose
Before an AP release the user base will be informed of the details of the release. The comms will be sent in good time for any questions to be raised with the team, and for users to learn more about the release, as required.
After an AP release the user base will be informed that it has completed successfully and be reminded what is now available and where. The comms will be sent as part of the release process (Definition of Done).
Definition of Done
[ ] All PRs related to release are merged to guidance
[ ] Release notes in Github are complete, prior to pre-release comms being sent
[ ] User Guidance is updated to reflect any long lived changes
[ ] Release date (and time if required) are agreed, along with notice period for users
User Story
As a AP user I want to know the details of upcoming NGINX releases and when they have been completed So that I am aware of any changes that may impact on my work and have time to raise any questions
Value / Purpose
Before an AP release the user base will be informed of the details of the release. The comms will be sent in good time for any questions to be raised with the team, and for users to learn more about the release, as required.
After an AP release the user base will be informed that it has completed successfully and be reminded what is now available and where. The comms will be sent as part of the release process (Definition of Done).
Definition of Done
Release templates for completion
Pre-Release template
Post-Release template