Closed poornima-krishnasamy closed 9 months ago
Some of the required changes done as part of -
Analysing Transit Gateway flow logs to see if Ireland Transit Gateway used at all.
ransit Gateway (eu-west-1) logs analysis -
Log extract -
I have confirmed with @julialawrence that we are ok to remove the AP TGW attachments, but please let her know before commencing any decommissioning so she can keep an eye out for issues.
Moving CP transit gateway code to infrastructure repo
Cloud Platform transit gateway attachments and route configurations have been migrated to the cloud-platform-infrastructure repo
As part of migrating the CP transit gateway to connect directly to PTTP transit gateway, there are few steps as part of cleanup
Proposed user journey
This is required so the codebase is maintained and the s3 bucket is stored as part of Cloud Platform aws account.
The steps are mentioned in the runbook
Create s3 bucket in CP account, move the state file from transit-gateway account and link the new s3 bucket in the repositor
Move the code from transit-gateway-cloud-platform folder repo to cloud-platform-infrastructure or similar where CP can have manage with only CP account permissions
If there is only cloud-platform related code present in the repo:, probably move the whole repo to cloud-platform team maintainance.
Create a concourse pipeline to apply the transit-gateway code changes to CP accountThis task is now #5237Create user guide for when a user want to add a new route to the transit-gateway connecting the live-1 vpcThis task is now #5238Which part of the user docs does this impact
Communicate changes
Questions / Assumptions
Definition of done
How to write good user stories