ministryofjustice / cloud-platform

Documentation on the MoJ cloud platform
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Clean out completed/ failed/ errored pods nightly #6094

Open jaskaransarkaria opened 2 weeks ago

jaskaransarkaria commented 2 weeks ago

Discuss with wider team? This also links into this ticket


these pods hog ips and prevent a node from being drained, clean them up to help keep the cluster in a good state.


Create a new maintenance job that runs nightly and cleans up each of our clusters, the code below might be useful, you can swap parallel for xargs if preferred:

kubectl get pods --field-selector="status.phase=Failed,spec" -A --no-headers | awk '{print $2 " -n " $1}' | parallel -j1 --will-cite kubectl delete pod "{= uq =}"

Definition of done


How to write good user stories

jaskaransarkaria commented 2 weeks ago

we should consider: