ministryofjustice / data-catalogue

Data catalogue • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform
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📝 Decide on an identity provider #84

Open murdo-moj opened 8 months ago

murdo-moj commented 8 months ago

User Story

As a user and platform developer I need/want/expect to have an identity service which works for our use case So that

Value / Purpose

Do we want to use Azure AD? Do we want to use OAuth? Do we need some middleware which maps an authenticated user to levels of access to data products?

eg Murdo is authenticated with Azure AD by the control panel Control panel requests Murdo's data access levels

Useful Contacts

No response

User Types

All users



AAD + Auth0. (more)

Additional Information

No response

Definition of Done

jemnery commented 8 months ago

Initial hypothesis:


=> We will use Azure Active Directory to authenticate and identify users



=> We will use a third party / custom built middleware solution for authorisation - i.e. user groups and roles within the data platform

There may more discussion to be had around selecting this solution, although let's try Auth0 first as it's not a custom build from scratch and some team members are already familiar with it.

As @julialawrence points out, Auth0 is configurable with Terraform.
