ministryofjustice / find-moj-data

Find MOJ data service • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform
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Customise `Sorry, there is a problem with the service` error page #666

Open LavMatt opened 1 month ago

LavMatt commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a user of the catalogue I expect to have appropriately worded error screens So that i'm not confused

Value / Purpose

Currently when the service is unavailable we are using the standard CP template and message for this error screen


However the wording is not appropriate for the find-moj-data service

Useful Contacts

No response

User Types

No response


If we... [do a thing] Then... [this will happen]


Follow the instructions here to create a custom error page for this

Additional Information

No response

Definition of Done

Example - [ ] Documentation has been written / updated

markjefferson-gov commented 1 month ago

Hi @LavMatt . Is this the 404 for or something else?

murdo-moj commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Mark, its for something else.

We control and have custom error pages for 400 bad request, 404 not found, and 500 internal server errors on This ticket is to implement custom error pages for other errors to do with not being able to reach our app eg 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, and 504 Gateway Timeout.

markjefferson-gov commented 2 weeks ago

@murdo-moj Thanks Murdo.

I would typically expect all the server error pages to look the same - assuming the implications for the user are the same. e.g:

[H1] Sorry, there is a problem with the service Try again later. If the problem persists, contact us... etc.

What does the 500 error look like?

murdo-moj commented 2 weeks ago



500 datahub unavailable (as devs it's useful for us to know if it's datahub or the app giving us problems)


murdo-moj commented 2 weeks ago I have asked CP to change the default. They got it from the formbuilder service which explains the copy about answers being saved

murdo-moj commented 2 weeks ago

I raised an issue with CP, they'll pick it up at some point

markjefferson-gov commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Murdo. Can we change the title of the first error from "Server error" to "There is a problem with this service" please?

We also need to think about users without Slack. Could we add the Teams channel or use an email address instead?

murdo-moj commented 2 weeks ago

726 I have made those copy changes for you